In 2005, in a small Swedish town, Lizzy Devine and JP White, former band mates got together and discussed putting a together a band which emulated the great rock n roll bands of the 80's. They teamed up with Jacki Stone and Nicki Kin, members of a rival band, and Vains of Jenna was formed.
Shortly after, they recorded several demo songs including Heartbreak Sucide which they released on their website via a free download, and almost instantly, success seemed to find them. They were asked to perform at Cruefest in July 2005 in Hollywood, CA. Although their set was a short they immediately caught the attention of Stevie Rachelle, the owner of Metal Sludge and former singer of Tuff, who became their manager. A week after playing their first US gig, they were in the studio with Gilby Clarke, the former Guns N Roses guitarist, recording songs.
In the Spring of 2006, they toured Europe and won over both critics and fans with their in-your-face rock attitude. They followed up their European tour with a short run in the US in the summer of 2006, where they met Bam Margera, who signed them to his indie record label, Filthy Note.
Vains of Jenna's debut full length album, Lit Up / Let Down, hit the stores on October 24th, 2006. The first video off the album, No One's Gonna Do It For You, was directed by Bam and can be seen on major video networks and via the web.
Vains of Jenna were asked to play Bam Margera's Bachelor Party for his reality show, Unholy Union, which also featured "Don't Give A Damn" as the opening theme for the show. It is only a matter a time before the band becomes a house hold name. This rock and roll quartet is reviving rock and roll for the new generation and is taking the world by storm.