Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps was a BBC sitcom created and written by Susan Nickson. It is set in the town of Runcorn in Cheshire, England, and initially revolves around the lives of five twenty-somethings, played by Ralf Little (Jonny Keogh), Sheridan Smith (Janet Smith/Keogh), Will Mellor (Gaz Wilkinson), Natalie Casey (Donna Henshaw) and Kathryn Drysdale (Louise Brooks).
Little left the programme after the sixth series, and Jonny was killed off-screen at the start of series 7. For the ninth and final series Smith and Drysdale also departed, with Freddie Hogan and Georgia Henshaw playing new characters Cassie Claypole and Billie McCormack and Luke Gell's existing role as barman Tim Claypole expanded. The core cast have been augmented by various recurring characters throughout the series, including Beverly Callard, Lee Oakes, Hayley Bishop, Alison Mac, Thomas Nelstrop and Jonathon Dutton. The show was first broadcast in 2001 on BBC Two. The title was inspired by the 1980 hit single "Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps Please" by Splodgenessabounds.
On 23 July 2011, it was reported that the sitcom had been axed to make room for new comedies.