The Robot Ate Me


ryland bouchard songs, singing, sounds, guitar, accordion/accorgan, saxophones, organs, pianos, analog synths, toys, rawap, pipa, gutcheng, ..., and whatever. hello. rj hoffman bass, violin and percussion. david greenberg drums, percussion, and curing diseases.


hello at therobotateme dot com


gibson illustration - daniel gibson drew artwork for They Ate Themselves and On Vaction. william haworth - drums/horns on They Ate Themselves and tour support 2003. bryan stratman - wurlitzer/synth on They Ate Themselves (Track 4). elizabeth & jacqueline - singing on They Ate Themselves (Track 8).

a few things:

Based out of the sunny and mostly superficial San Diego this band has no history we want to put into a biography. Roll your windows down, forget why you are driving, smile and listen. []
