The Pubcrawlers


The resident R&B diva of the band, Martha quickly recognized the need for female energy in the testosterone fest that was the Pubcrawlers. Despite the boys' repeated requests to get Martha to cover only Tiffany tunes (so they could play the mall circuit) they went down to the crossroads where a deal was struck to unleash the spirit of Janis who now channels through her just like Patsy channels through k.d. (Okay, so maybe it's a distant relative...). It is rumored that Martha dropped out of the music scene for several years after giving a ride to a drifter in an Iowa cornfield, but was somehow drawn back to the stage by a chance meeting with a certain extra tall bass player...


Paul and his drums arrived in this, his adopted country from England in 1979, and has been on the run from the Immigration and Naturalization Service ever since. No easy feat with a full set of drums on your back I can tell you.... not that I would know first hand but I can imagine ..... my, I mean, Paul's influences are few but he gives more than a passing nod to the late Mick Shrimpton in his trademark 25 minute "no sticks" drum solo. More...


Kevin has toured the world and elsewhere playing his eclectic mix of jazz/blues-blues/jazz with a touch of speed metal thrown in for good measure. "Some people call this stuff fusion, I think confusion is more accurate" quips Kevin. He is the proud owner of a guitorgan, a rare and very silly hybrid guitar.Kevin, brings many new and refreshing ideas to the PubCrawlers (well thats what his mum says anyway).


Scott's life is shrouded in mystery,some say he was a victim of an alien abduction, others tell of seeing him thumbing a lift in an Iowan corn field. All we know for sure is he lives to sing actually we don't know that for sure, but it's a pretty sure bet, well 50/50 at most. What we do know for sure is that, he can sing...unless of course there is vintriloquism involved.So what we do know for sure is that someone can sing and that person frequents the same sleazy hangouts as Mr. Howdy Doody Hand, come to think of it, what kind of a name is that anyway..HAND as in Hand shoved up the back of your shirt...hmmm?? As reported at the beginning his life is shrouded in mystery and should probably stay that way


Andrew is the only real musician in this band, and thusly takes naps at our rehearsals because he is so bored with us trying to pick out the notes to Smoke on the Water. An aspiring guitarist in disguise (who DOESN'T want to be a guitarist?), Andrew hangs around hands poised over the keyboard waiting for the occasional "fill" opportunity, and happily sits out on the Green Day numbers, counting the measures. He is a patch cord/adaptor connoisseur, oft sighted with the requisite overflowing boxes of "stuff" and a few rolls of duct tape. Andrew grew up playing Beatles tunes, migrated to jazz, and now hovers somewhere in between in search of a great organ solo. Andrew enjoys the gratuitous use of fancy words as you may have noticed.


The virtual backbone of the band, often admired for being taller than he is wide, Patrick has no self-esteem issues at all, being just the, quote, Bass player in the band. He is perfectly happy providing the foundation for the other, so called, flashier instruments. He has no secret wish to be the, Oh look at me, I can bang on things like a silly orangutan, drummer, or Wow, I can make loud screeching noises with this electric thingy guitarist, or Hey, I'm mister sexy man and all the girls will love me, singer, or Ooo - Ooo, look at all the buttons I get to push I'm such a techno-wizard, Keyboardist, or My instruments are all shiny and bright aren't they? Flute/Sax player. No, he is above all that. Patrick is happy being respected by other musicians. That's why this bio will end with comments from them.

He seems to have finally learned to hold his guitar the right way. - John Entwhistle

I think I've heard of him. Is he dead? - John Paul Jones

He's just a #@&%! I'm the one who's dead! - Sid Vicious

I guess he plays bass OK, but his singing is like fingernails on a blackboard! - Yoko Ono
