The Open

Jim Reynolds (age unknown) bass guitar. His inquistive mind is an asset, as is his extensive knowledge of esoteric teas. Interests: everything (see inquisitive mind)

Alan Dutton (300) keyboards, art. Al to his friends, of which he has many. Once thought he¹d turned into a lion while sitting on a sofa. He hadn't. Likes: boules, literature, The Verve, chess

Jon Winter (24) e.guitar Often seen in silhouette, Jon is viewed by many respected judges as The Open's secret weapon. This is something he¹s keen to perpetuate. Likes: Radiohead, driving

Scott Holland (24) drums Little is known about Scott Holland. Interests: none of your business

Steven Bayley (24) ld vocals, songs, guitars etc. Steven¹s favourite king is Charles I. His plans for the future include a number of currently secret plans. Interests: David Sylvian, XTC, gritty cricketers, the whereabouts of Barry Clempson
