Texas is the Reason starts in late '94, when Scott Winegard, Chris Daly and Norm Arenas,coming from some of the most interesting hardcore bands (Shelter, 108, Ressurection and Fountainhead), want to do something more melodic. They joined Garrett Klahn (ex- Copper). So the line up was:

Scott Winegard: Bass Chris Daly: Drums Norm Arenas: Guitar Garrett Klahn: Guitar and Vocals

The name of the band comes from the Misfits song "Bullet" that is about the murder of JFK.

But only two of the TITR members like that band. Garrett ( the band´s frontman) is more into Beatles, the title of the TITR full length ("Do you know who you are) are the last words John Lennon ever heard.. I have no constancy of the influnces of the band, but I would mention bands like Hüsker Dü, Jawbox (J. Robbins produced their full length), Samian, Sense Field and some Dischord bands.

It is well known that they didn´t get along too much. Garrett said once: "Actually, this last year forced me to give up the delusion bands have to be best friends and agree on everything". And Norm: "I dont remember fighting that much". However, they use to say that was the key of TITR and they were a strong band,.Knowing this, I guess that their separation in early '97 was due to personal rows among them.

Source: http://personal.redestb.es/nisasa/Bio/titr_Bio.htm

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