
It started in Northern Virginia, where the band called SEV had been rocking the house and winning the hearts of fans since 1996. Accounts of their performances have flashed across the internet. Radio stations throughout the country have started playing their single, "Same Old Song" The same song that stunned listeners and label executives on The wheels are spinning. Their new album, All These Dreams, is being rushed into stores. Phones are ringing; email is trumpeting the gospel of SEV...

SEV is five guys from just south of DC. A few years ago they posted audio samples at; response was strong enough to win them a spot on a Farmclub broadcast and a track on Live And Unreleased. Now they are residents on Geffen Records So.. what is SEV? It's all about that moment of freedom, when nothing stands between you and your dreams. It's about complete release -- that intoxicating, liberating rush you get when you're on the dance floor, and the rhythm can't be stopped. You're part of something bigger and sweeter than anything else in your life and there is no place you'd rather be.

All These Dreams is an invitation to everyone who want to feel the magic themselves. Join the party... Plug into SEV.
