Ryan Moll - Guitar Matt Moore - Guitar Jason Sidote - Vocals Shawn Riley - Bass Patrick Battaglia - Drums
Ryan, Pat and Matt formed RGR in mid-2002. Ryan has executed work with Evil Divine (Metal Age Productions), Divine Rapture (Listenable Records) and is also currently in Solace in the Shadows with Pat. Matt used to be with Solace in the Shadows and is currently in Witchaven along with Pat. Rumpelstiltskin Grinder then consisted of Ryan, Pat and Matt, but they were in need of a vocalist and bass player. Mike Hrubovcak (from Divine Rapture) was then enlisted on vocals and Shawn Riley was then discovered for his bass work by Matt and has pledged allegiance to the RGR assault force ever since. After performing a few shows with this lineup, Mike decided to break away to focus on his own project Azure Emote with Ryan helping out, while Jason Sidote of Evil Divine and Vukodlak (Realms Of Darkness Prod.) took up the vox box. The True RGR Force was then established, So let it be written, so let it be done...
Rumpelstiltskin Grinder is an entity that consists of five sub-entities which are condensed with massive methods of genius and a dash of purposeful down syndrome. Bringing forth great waves of relentless energy, it comes at you like a punch in the face from an oversized gorilla, fists full of shrunken pygmy heads and carries a sense of bewilderment, much like if you were to witness a giraffe scream at you in sheer anger.Such is the Rumpelstiltskin.
Source: http://www.rumpelstiltskingrinder.com/html/biopage.html