Questionmark & The Mysterians

In the early 1970s, ? and the Mysterians reformed with a different lineup consisting of two guitars and no keyboards, attracting the attention of rock critic Dave Marsh, who coined the term "punk rock" in a 1971 article in Creem magazine about ?. ? and the original Mysterians held a reunion concert in Dallas, Texas, in 1984, with Robert Martinez on drums once again, as Eddie Serrato had become ill with muscular dystrophy.

This did not lead to a full revival for the band, but a recording was made and released by the NYC label ROIR, 96 Tears Forever: The Dallas Re-Union Tapes. In 1997 the group reformed again, collaborating with NYC promoter Jon Weiss, who made the band headliners at his CaveStomp Garage rock festivals. Cavestomp featured many revived 60's garage and psychedelic acts. The newly revitalized Mysterians quickly established themselves as one of the strongest playing bands of these reformed groups, and touring in various mid-sized concert venues followed. The reformed Mysterians gigged sporadically throughout 1998 and 1999 and made two visits to Europe, where, in November 1998, they wowed a capacity crowd at the "Wild Weekend" garage rock weekend in London. They followed with a second, longer tour in summer 1999 and an unlikely appearance at the Royal Festival Hall classical music venue as part of the "Meltdown 1999" music festival