Plans For Revenge

CHRIS vocals ANDY lead guitar BRANDON guitar, bgv's DOUG more guitar RICH bass AARON drums

Plans For Revenge officially started in July of 2002 as a four piece. They were the creative spawn of a local pop punk band in San Jose that had been prevalent on the scene for about 4 years. 3 of These 4 original founders remain in the band: Chris Martinez (Vocals), Aaron Moreno (Drums), and Andy Kugler (Lead Guitar). Since then the lineup has seemed to expand exponentially. Brandon Kwock was added as rhythm guitar, and Doug Bellucci was added as another lead. The idea behind the band's "3 guitar attack" is a simple one. They want to provide the live audience with as a big sound as they might hear on the CD. It also gives them the flexibility to be more technical. Chris originally played bass for the band and sang, but decided to concentrate more on his voice as an instrument. This is when bassist Rich Oliver joined the band to make their roster an even 6. With their "every man for himself" on stage mentality, chaos ensues which if nothing else would satisfy one's morbid curiosity. The band is well-rounded in many aspects, coming from different musical and cultural backgrounds. Yet, instead of bickering about their differences Plans For Revenge seems to embrace them, and it shows in the broad array of different sounds on the recording. On a personal level Plans For Revenge is a young band, but they still offer a larger than life show and a down to earth attitude that makes them a fun band to see and more importantly a pleasant group to talk to about what they love doing: music. It shows in every aspect of their dedication, that this band if nothing else, wants to be heard. They recently released a full length CD entitled "Burns, Scars, and Memories" which in California and all over the world is quickly receiving good reviews and positive acclaim. It has been compared in sound to bands like: Thrice, Finch, Boy's Night Out, The Starting Line - to name a few. The band's top priority at this point would be touring, and they are trying their hardest to secure funding with which to bring their music to as many people as possible, in as many places as possible. Be sure to be on the look out for this rockin' sextet in the near future.
