Op Ivy, short for Operation Ivy, was a punk band from near-Berkeley California. They were Jesse (vocal), Lint (guitar), Matt (bass), and Dave (drum). Later, they got Pat and Paul for the horn section (even tho i think they're not official members).

The band started in 1987 and ended in 1989, after playing over 180+ shows. They broke up right before they produced their first album (which was actually a tape, not a CD), and later titled Energy. The music is about non-conformity, thinking for yourself, fun, etc etc (you gotta check it out yourself). Most of the songs are ska (without horn), but there are some punkrock too (like Sleep Long and Hoboken).

The Members

Jesse Michaels - vocal

The brain of Operation Ivy. He wrote, if i'm not mistaken, all the lyrics, and guess what? he was 18 at the time he wrote all those incredible lyrics. He said Operation Ivy broke up, again if I'm not mistaken, because of band's internal conflict and arguments. Rumor also said that he didn't wanna be in a sellout band (not true), since Operation Ivy got too big too fast. Later, he started Big Rig. He also studied Zen-Buddhism and became a monk for about 6 months. He was really out of music for a couple years, until he started Common Rider in 1999.

Lint (Tim Armstrong) - guitar, 2nd vocal

Lint (real name Tim Armstrong) was the band guitarist. Before in Op Ivy, he was in Basic Radio with Matt. After Op Ivy broke up, Lint, Matt, and Dave started a punk band called The Downfall. Later, he was addicted to drugs, and was in rehabilitation center twice (some info said 5 times). Matt didn't want him to waste his life, then they both started Rancid after the Downfall broke up. Lint is no more a drug abuser now, and is married to his girlfriend, Broody, who plays for The Distillers.

Matt McCall (Freeman) - bass

Matt McCall's real last name is Freeman. Yes, he's Rancid's bassist. That name (McCall) came from a TV show that got a guy who looks like him. Matt was probably Lint's closest friend, they've been together since they were 5. They both were in Shakin '69, Downfall, Basic Radio, The Noise, the Uncool, and The Primitive. After saying ta-ta to Op Ivy, he joined MDC for a while, and later started Rancid with Tim Armstrong. Matt was once a member of Kamala and Karnivora. Matt, with Tim, right now have a side project, a psychobilly band with Matt on DOUBLE bass (!) (thanks to josh culton for the info).

Dave Mello - drum

The drummer of Operation Ivy. Before he joined the crew, he was in Robbi Conspiracy and Distorted Truth. After Op Ivy broke up, he joined Downfall for a while, and later, with his bro Pat Mello, he joined Schlong. From what I heard, i think he runs a music store now.

Source: http://figz.com/~opivy/biography.php

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