LENG TCH'E = aka death by a thousand cuts, Is an ancient chinese torture ritual, where the victim has been doped up and is beincut into bits, the victim doesn't feel a thing of this procedure, untill it is far too late, and death is unavoidable...

The birth of Leng tch'e starts with the ending of ANAL TORTURE, where the remaining members decided to continue with a grindcore unit, that was destined to be a more extreme and powerfull continuition of the forementioned grindozer. The band was forged in early 2001 when Guitarse Fornicator Glen (Dark Ages) got together with Percussive Pimp Sven (Aborted) and talked about getting this new project going, thus Isaac (Orange socks/Bob's Bizarre Bazaar) and Kevin immidiately joined up to complete the now at full force Grinding Fartsquad that is known as LENG TCH'E.

Being in good terms with The Spew Records from Italy, the band signed a recorddeal with this label to release it's first album entitled 'Death By A Thousand Cuts', which shall be recorded at the infamous CCR studios in belgium (Aborted) in february 2K2, Artwork has been provided by Daniel Long (iniquity, deranged, etc etc) and finished up by Dirge Design. After that a split 7" taken from the same recording session shall be released on The Spew as well with fellow grinders of Black Ops (usa/swe, members impaled/retaliation).

Musicwise the band plays oldschool grindcore, with some touches of hardcore, rock and fecal humour to round it up, bands that have been a most definite influence are among others: Hemdale, Regurgitate, Gut, Blood Duster, Extreme Noise Terror, Black Sabbath, Tori Amos, Britney Spears, Dead Infection, and many other grindcore legends...

Lyricswise Leng Tch'e has several topics which it draws inspiratin from, some titles are pure senseless humour, others are parodies on varios themes, others deal with social problems within our society, politics, misanthropy, and a big fuck off to people who have been a nuissance throughout the infamous and turdish lives of the bandmembers.

After these plans and several concerts throughout belgium, Leng Tch'e is ready to invade your home, toilet and urinoir, be warned ...The fornicators of razor grind are coming!!!

Source: http://come.to/lengtche

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