Koi Koi Seven is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Morishige and published by Akita Shoten. The story features a fighting squad of six girls (Koi Koi Seven) belonging to the Gokō Academy who fight daily to protect the Earth's peace and future, as well as the hopeless Tanaka Tetsuro. Koi Koi Seven began its serialization in the shōnen manga magazine Champion Red in 2002 and ended in 2006. The series was adapted into a thirteen-episode anime television series, which broadcast between April 4, 2005 and June 26, 2005.
Plot summary
Tetsuro Tanaka is transferred to Gokoh Academy full of high expectations. However, expectations fade with a bad premonition the moment he steps onto the campus and finds all the students except him are girls. A series of strange events fall upon him. Then, six girls who are called Koi Koi Seven appear as his guardians. Army combat helicopters and anti-tank guns attack Tetsuro for no particular reason as he tries to survive each day in the academy. Surrounded by many girls he gets into trouble every day because he looks naked most of the girls by mistake. In the house the same problem remains with Koi Koi 7 team walk around the house in their underwear. Apart from these Celonious 28 chase him after all the time because she wants to be with him. also Asuka Yayoi feels jealous of him because she loves him and she don't want to hang around with other girls which is very difficult because he is the only boy in the school and the girls are after him all the time. In general each girl of the Koi Koi 7 team has secret feelings for Tetsuro but they don't show them.
Tetsuro Tanaka
The main male character of the story. He becomes the focus of attention for the entire school as he is the only male student. He can't seem to remember the reason why Yayoi always wants to be with him. He also comes to a difficult situation when by mistake he looks at the bra and panties of his roommates. Finally he has feelings for each girl of the koi koi seven's team but he cannot show them for fear of the girls' anger.
Yayoi Asuka
The main heroine of the story. She is part of a group of girls who call themselves the "Koi Koi 7". She had apparently known Tetsuro when they were younger. She claims to have a reason for wanting to be with him all the time. She likes crab bread. She also has the ability to fly and has white angel like wings. However sometimes she becomes annoying to Tetsuro which led him to ignore her.
Sakuya Kazamatsuri
She is one of Tetsuro's roommates. She is an expert at many firearms and often is seen pulling them out of nowhere (including a bazooka). She's the most talkative and the one that always gets on to Tetsuro. She calls Tetsuro <
She is another roommate of Tetsuro. She can use her hair to form a nearly-impenetrable shield or as an attack weapon. She is very popular in the school. In the anime her background remains a mystery, it only shows her cutting her wrist and blood is flowing out. She believes that Tetsuro is different from the other boys because he always cares for her. In other words she also has feelings for him.
Hifumi Inokai
Another one of Tetsuro's roommates. Rivalling Otome for the most flat chest, she is normally calm until provoked. She is the only one who is stronger than Akiwo. She tends the school garden commonly and is generally good friends with Akiwo. She had been very unfair with Tetsuro while she knocked him down because he saw her butt by mistake.
Akiwo Suzuka
Another one of Tetsuro's roommates. She is very busty and has orange hair. She has "Superman-like" powers like super strength and the ability to fly. But she has mentioned that she has not always been like this. She told Tetsuro that she used to be someone who was very weak and had to be rescued all the time. She explained that she kept telling herself that she should change. She is also a huge fan of "Kinorangers", which is most likely a Parody of the 1980 Super sentai series Denshi Sentai Denjiman since their suits resembles the Denjiman Suits. She believes that each person can become strong. So she felt proud of Tetsuro when he shot the kinky monster. After that she started to have feelings for him too.
Otome Chono
Another one of Tetsuro's roommates. She has a very calm personality which makes her less aggressive than the other girls in the group. In the anime she has been seen "charging up" using a plug during breakfast, also in the group she is the person who gives the orders and information to the rest of the group after analyzing the data. Otome's comments often include words like "incomprehensible," making her "robot-like." Later in the anime she is revealed to be a robot. Even though she is a robot, she still dreams and has feelings like the feelings she has for Testuro, even though she cannot even comprehend those feelings herself. However Tetsuro made her very happy saying her that she is an absoloutely normal girl.
(people who joined the school in their senior year) This group includes all six girls in the Koi Koi 7, plus Tetsuro.
Yayoi Asuka
(short gray hair, black uniform) A mysterious girl with an eyepatch. She believes that she is the real Yayoi that Testuro met in his past, due to being a part of a nationwide security system designed to watch and protect yayoi and testuro. She was then built as a girl and through the events of the story was mostly destroyed. With all her memory erased she is rebuilt as a robot but younger, girl called Gantai (much like Otome as she is in her spare body). In her new body Gantai thinks that nobody loves her. But Tetsuro changes her mind showing her that everyone loves her. After that she tries to take care of Tetsuro and make him happy. Voiced by Nana mizuki
Orie Kano
The teacher, who also lives in the student dorm with Tetsuro and the Koi Koi 7 girls. She had feelings for Tetsuro's father before he managed to open the heaven's door.
The mysterious headmaster who has hidden knowledge about Tetsuro. His mission is to stop Tetsuro's father before he makes something bad.
Miya Higashikazuno
Grandchild of the school's founder. She and her gang, the Gokoh Five, are constantly after Tetsuro.
Hekusokazura no Kimi
Second in command at the Gokoh Five. She also has a secret personallity as a spy in the school in order to watch Tetsuro's father movements
Kazuko Iidabashi
A member of the Gokoh Five. Very nervous
Chuko Asakusabashi
A member of the Gokoh Five.
Yoko Suidobashi
A member of the Gokoh Five. More logical and sensitive
Isuzu Yamada
A student who is head over heels in love with Satou. She wrote a lesbian book.
Subaru Satou
Another student who is head over heels in love with Yamada. At first she didn't want to have a relationship with Yamada but in the end she loves her.
Tetsuro's Father is a mysterious man who is furious because the council turned down his research. He tries to revenge by robots such as Celonious 28.