
Style Heavy Metal Status Formed In Active 2000

Country South-Africa (Cape Town)Popularity Fans

Current line-up Others bands/comments Theo Crous : Guitar Springbok Nude Girls Francois Breytenbach Blom : Vocals, Keyboard Voice Of Destruction, Die Kruis Werner Von Waltsleben : Drums Pierre Tredoux : Bass The Uninvited Former/Past members Others bands/comments Paul Andre Blom : Drums Terminatryx, Voice Of Destruction Huyser Burger : Keyboard Battery 9 Rob Nel : Bass Golliwog, B-World

Albums Kobus! (CD - 2002) 100% Skuldgevoelvry (CD - 2004) Swaar Metaal (CD - 2007)

Source: http://www.spirit-of-metal.com/groupe-groupe-Kobus-l-en.html