Kim Gun Mo

Kim Gun-mo (born on January 13, 1968) is a South Korean singer and musician. Kim has released twelve albums.He was educated at the Seoul Institute of the Arts majored in Korean traditional music. As one of the most popular Korean entertainers, Kim holds the record for biggest selling album in Korea with his third studio album, which sold over 2.8 million copies. He is also one of the few singers (or groups) to have an album sell over a million copies (his 7th sold more than 1.3 million copies in 2001). Kim's albums rank consistently high on Korean music charts; his 8th was the best-selling album of 2003. His most famous songs include 핑계 ("Excuse"), 잘못된 만남, and 짱가.


Kim debuted with Kim Gun Mo 1 in 1992, which was followed by his second album Excuse in 1993. His third album Mis-Encounter came out in 1995. In the following year, he released Exchange. As one of the most popular Korean entertainers, Kim holds the record for biggest selling album in Korea with his third studio album, which sold over 2.8 million copies. He is also one of the few singers (or groups) to have an album sell over a million copies (his 7th sold more than 1.3 million copies in 2001). Kim's albums rank consistently high on Korean music charts; his 8th album, ‘He-story,’ was the best-selling album of 2003. His most famous songs include "Excuse", “Mis-Encounter”, and “Jjangga”. In 2004, he released his 9th album Kim Gun Mo 9 which reminds his first album title. This album was his second restarting point in his music career. In the following year, he came up with BE Like...which also made a huge success in Korea. His most recent work released in 2008, Soul Groove.

Discography Kim Gun Mo 1, 1992 핑계, 1993 잘못된 만남, 1995 Exchange, 1996 Myself, 1998 Growing, 1999 Another Days, 2001 Hestory, 2003 Kim Gun Mo 9, 2004 BE Like..., 2005 Style Album, 2007 Soul Groove, 2008

Education Seoul Sin-Wol Elementary School Seoul Hwa-Gok Middle School Seoul Hwa-Gok High School Seoul Institute of the Arts, Guk-Ahk Major
