John Schneider

John Schneider has starred in six television series, including the latest sensation Smallville; five mini-series; four feature films; one soap opera; 14 movies; and two of his own television specials, not to mention the many guest starring roles and appearances which he has made on other television shows. A highlight of John's career was the successful move he made from a television "Duke" to a Broadway "Baron" in the provocative Tony Award-winning musical "Grand Hotel."

John has a wide diversity of talents and is known world-wide for his roles as an actor and singer, but the role that he holds dearest to his heart is that of being a daddy to his three children. A native of Mt. Kisco, New York, The Schneider family currently lives just outside of Los Angeles.

Schneider starred for six seasons as one of the fast-driving, fun-loving cousins of the Duke clan on the hugely popular '80s comedy-adventure series The Dukes of Hazzard. He reprised his beloved role in the television movie The Dukes of Hazzard: Hazzard in Hollywood. Schneider was also a series regular on the family drama Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman and the syndicated drama Heaven Help Us.

Recently, Schneider directed and starred in the original television movie Mary Christmas with Cynthia Gibb premiered December 2002. He has also has appeared in numerous other original television movies, including Michael Landon, the Father I Knew, True Women, Night of the Twisters, The Legend of Ruby Silver, Texas and Desperate Journey. He can also be heard as the voice of the lead character in Kids' WB!'s animated series The Mummy.
