The MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam, designed by Kazumi Fujita, is a fictional weapon of the anime Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam from the Universal Century timeline of the Gundam metaseries. Its popularity has led to many variations, upgrades, redesigns and influenced later design works such as the Zeta Plus and the Wing Gundam.
It is the first time the main protagonist in the Gundam metaseries got their mid-season upgrade, as well as being the first time a Gundam had a transformable design, following the trend of transformable mecha started by Macross at the time. It is also the only mobile suit in fiction to have a real, pilotable, down-scaled, 7-metre-tall, hydraulically controlled model built.
The name "Zeta Gundam" is the eponymous Gundam in which the suit appears, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, which is the sequel of Mobile Suit Gundam. The suit is first deployed mid-series as a reinforcement suit. It was piloted by the series' main character Kamille Bidan until the end of the series.
The Zeta Gundam also became the starting mobile suit of the main character Judau Ashta of the sequel Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ before he switched to the more powerful and eponymous mobile suit of that series, MSZ-010 ZZ Gundam.