Pentagram (USA)

A hallowed name in the field of Sabbath-inspired doom metal, Pentagram's history dates as far back as 1972, when their first single was released. Though their first official release didn't appear until 1985, an earlier lineup recorded some impressive works in the early to mid seventies, and have recently seen the light of day in the form of two compilations, these being '98's Human Hurricane and then 2001's First Daze Here release, which really showcases these early tracks at their best. The foundation of Pentagram has always been vocalist Bobby Liebling, who rivals Wino Weinrich (Spirit Caravan) for most hallowed doom metal personality, thanks to his tailor-made-for-doom voice. One has to wonder how much longer Liebling can keep going (after all, he's been the core of Pentagram for over thirty years, a remarkable achievement in itself), but as of this time there is no sign of them giving up. Moreover, the recent releases such as Sub-Basement compare quite favorably with the older material -- really, Pentagram has yet to release a sub-par album.

Liebling has recently assembled a veritable doom all-star lineup for the upcoming album, Show 'Em How, tentatively set for release later in 2003.

Note: no relation to the Turkish metal band called Pentagram.