It all began when Antonio Sánchez Camporro, "landed" in the world of opera and was known by the artistic name of Antonio Campó. He meet María Paz López Pestonit during the performance of the tragedy "La Orestíada" in the antique bullring of La Coruña. Antonio was from Gijón (Asturias) and María Paz was from Santiago de Compostela (Galicia).

On the 16 of June of 1965, they got married and on the 8 of May of 1966 born two duaghters: Paz and Marta at the hospital of Santa Cristina in Madrid. Because they were born prematurely, they had to stay in an incubator, but Marta had to stay in the incubator a longer period of time, due to her low weight.

The baptism of both of the girls took place at the parish church "San Antonio de la Florida" (Madrid), in the spring of 1966. The grandparents were Alfredo Kraus, a very good friend of Antonio and her sister. Because Antonio was a good Asturian, he organized a party in the popular cider bar "Casa Mingo".

Their first friends were Laura and Patricia, daughters of Alfredo Kraus. They almost always played together. Marta was always the Queen, when they role played. She liked to dress up and put on make up. She frequently accompanied her mother to the market. When she played with her toys at home, she tried to repeat what the people said at the market, even though she was very little and did not know how to speak very well.

When someone visited Marta´s house, they always left with little presents that Marta made. She really liked to make presents. She was very generous. She did not like to see a little girl without a doll, and since she always had two dolls, she gave one away. In addition, she was very spontaneous and sincere. She said everything that was on her mind. On one occasion she was walking with her mother on the sidewalk when they passed a gentleman, and Marta said: "This gentleman is wearing a very nice coat". This gentleman was very pleased by what she said, he looked at her and she went on to say: "But he is ugly!". He left without knowing what to say.

At the age of three, she already showed much interest for music. She liked to dance, sing, and put on costumes. When she played "princess" with her friends from school, she put on opera costumes. She was not timid and she was not ashamed to dance and role play in front of family and friends. Her first toy was a teddy bear that her father brought for her from Germany when he was there to sing.

At four or five years of age, Marta began to sing "Gwendoline" by Julio Iglesias. Then she began to sing flamenco songs like "Maria de la O". She showed interest to discover America. When someone would ask her what her name was, she always made up american names. Although, these names were not understood, it was pleasing to hear them.

When she was five years old, she wanted to have blue eyes, like Mari Sol and she was upset with God for not giving her blue eyes. Her mother had to tell her a little lie that if she behaved well, she would have beatiful eyes. Soon, she liked her hair and she would style it.

She always had a strong relationship with her sister Paz. They both slept in the same room and exchanged toys, secrets, clothing, and books. Ever since they were little they dressed alike and when they were older, they exchanged clothing. Without doubt, their character was different. Paz was more quiet and maybe more timid. Their relationship was always great and there were never problems between them.

They both felt a lot of affecion towards animals. They had chiks, ducks, and dogs. One day, they brought home a dog that they bought at the market for 200 pesetas. However, they had to give it away, because their parents did not want animals in the house.

Marta was one of those people who begun a lot of things, but did not finish any of them. One day she wanted to take castanet classes, and a week later she quit. She also played the guitar, and later she got tired of it. From the age of 10 and during her teenage years, she got tired of almost everything. For a while, she also ice skated and took ballet. After, she wanted to take singing lessons and that resulted in her knowing almost as much as the teacher. She was like a whirlwind.

On the day of her first communion her parents gave her a guitar, and when she was 13 years old she already composed songs. She always had her guitar and her note book where she wrote songs with her. On one ocasion she won a prize with her song entitled ¨María, una amiga más¨. This song was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. With these songs dedicated to the Virgin Mary, she won a lot of contests in school. Marta admired the Virgin Mary and her family was very Catholic.

In the "La Coruña" (is a city north of Spain) Marta and Paz began to go their separate way in their own group of friends. They were on holiday in Sanjenjo and La Coruña. When they were in the La Coruña, the went to the Solana, to the square of Vigo and to the horse to walk.

When she was 14 years old, she participated in a children´s television program presented by Torrebruno on TVE1 and it was on in the mornings on saturday. This program was called ¨Sabadabadᨠand was dedicated to children who wanted to demonstrate their artistic talent.

With 12 years, Marta studied at Véritas' school in Madrid, a religious school. It was a very strict school in its customs. When she went to school, she always forgot to do some homework and as a result she always got in trouble with the nuns. Marta failed almost all of the assignments because she spent her days thinking about her future. She would imagine herself as a conqueror with a lot of admirers, and that in the end she would marry a millionaire. She was not studious, still when she put her mind to it, she got good grades.

Marta´s room was full of books. She had a white desk where she spent hours simulating that she was studying. Beside the heavy Mathematics and History books, she had tabloids and comic books, her inseparable friends. She liked to make the studying time fly by, by putting nail polish on her nails, writing poetry and making scribbles on the paper. She also liked to draw wedding dresses. Anything was better than doing homework. Mathematics seemed unbearable to her, but History was not that bad. Her relation with her classmates was very good. She always shared the school equipment with all of her classmates.

At 15 years of age she transformed into a pretty young lady that almost always put her wavy hair into a pony tail. She made havoc between the boys in the neighborhood. She liked to dress in black and bright colours. She liked to put on make up, appearing older than she was. She really enjoyed dancing, and every weekend she went to the "Pachá de Tribunal" nightclub to have fun with her friends. She spent hours and hours dancing to the sound of music.

She really enjoyed designing here wardrobe and the truth is that she did it well. She took all of her designs to Paquita, a dressmaker that lived in the same neighborhood. Paquita transformed the sketches that Marta designed so that Marta could shine in them. Clothing fascinated her from the time she was very young, just as changing her "look" and hair style.

But how she knew that her professional future was not precisely in studying, but in the artistic world, came really quickly. In the last scholastic year she transferred to the school "Cumbre", because she wanted to devote herself in full to music.

Her parents would have prefered to see their daughter praparing herself to further continue her studies. However, they did not oppose the fact that she was dedicated to her music, because they knew it was what she really wanted to do. Marta recieved a great deal of support from her family and friends.

During that time she was a fan of Barbara Streissand, Olivia Newton John and at another time she was a fan of Prince, U2, Ilegales, Mecano, Genesis, Fleetwood and Duran Duran. Also, at that time she dreamed about being number one and went for it. When she would see artists signing autographs, she decided that soon it would be her turn.

When she turned 18 years old (1984), she put together her first "book" (portfolio) with photos so that she could make herself known to the producers of the different recording studios. The photographer perfectly remembers that day with Marta Sánchez, at that time still a perfect stranger, one of the many who put together a "book" in order to move forward in looking for their first opportunity. This young lady seemed completely different, at all times more sure of herself, of how she wanted to look in the photos, in what she favored and what not. From the start, she guided the photographer, and she was completely convinced that the success which she was waiting for was very near.

While she looked for her first opportunity to become a singer, she meet a guy at a nightclub and he introduced her to some of his friends that were looking for a vocalist for a music group named "Cristal Oskuro". It was a group of guys that played pop music. She participated in a contest organized for the Autonomy of Madrid at the "Zodiaco" nightclub and she arrived third. Among the many people that listened to the show, she meet Tino Azores, the sound technician for "Olé Olé". He was astonished by the voice of Marta and he offered her the possibility of being a part of the group, substituting Vicky Larraz. At 19 years of age, began a very important step for Marta with the brilliant incorporation with Olé Olé, that would bring her a wonderful professional career.

With the first money that she made in the world of music, she bought a pair of shoes with high heels, that costed 15.000 pesetas.

It was during the Christmas season of 1985, that her first single with the group "Olé Olé" enlitled "Lilí Marlen" was played on the radio. This song really came into light in January of 1986, when it reached the number one spot on the charts. Her first appearance on television was in the program "Tocata", broadcasted on January 15, 1986. It was then that she made herself known to the televiewers. Her first album titled "Bailando sin salir de Casa" came out in May of 1986. With this album her dreams became reality, receiving her first gold album. This success continued with songs like "Déjame Sola" (Leave me alone) y "Mirame Bien" (Take a good look at me) (authentic blues), still her favorite song from this album was the ballad "No te Necesita" (She doesn´t need you).

Her second album with Olé Olé was "Los caballeros prefieren rubias" (Gentleman prefer blondes) came out in May of 1987, begining with the launching of the first single "Sola" (Alone), reaching the number one position on the charts. The sales of this album exceeded 150.000 copies. With the launching of this album, there came a change of image. Abandoning her chestnut colored hair (April of 1987), for golden blond hair, to the style of Marilyn Monroe, which she admired. Her favourite opic was "La Bámbola" (The Doll). The other song from this album was "Secretos" (Secrets). She recieved a lot of prizes like the "Premio Naranja ´87" y "Premio Julieta ´87" for her sympathy and attention to the press and the Long-Play of Gold for the group "Olé Olé".

From this moment on the changes in her image became constant in her professional career, however, always retaining her hair colour blond. With the increase of her popularity, she became one of the most famous artists of Spain. Her appearances in the press and television were constant. She created the right style in our country and turned into "a beauty of the moment" with all the press focused on her.

In 1988, she defenitely became a star of pop music in Spain and was the most attractive woman of our country. She recorded with "Olé Olé" a comercial for Coca Cola, in this comercial one could listen to "Supernatural", a song found in the third album of the group entitled "Cuatro hombres para Eva" (Four men for Eva), published on June 3, 1988.

From January to March of 1989 she went on her first tour in South America with "Olé Olé", starting with Mexico, Chile (where they recieved a prize "Antorcha de Plata" for the response of the public), Ecuador, Colombia and New Mexico.

However, her "boom" came with the lauching of her fourth album with "Olé Olé" entitled "1990". This turned into one of the most listened to albums. The sales of this album came to 200.000 copies (double platinum album). Nile Rodgers was in charge of the production of this album. In addition, Marta debuted as a composer of the songs "Canción para mi padre" (Sing for my father) and "El está muy bien" (He is very well). The song from this album for excellence was "Soldados de amor" (Soldiers of love).

On the 24 and 25 of December of 1990 "Olé Olé" preformed in the Persian Gulf to inspire, encourage and to bring to life the Christmas season for the sailors of Spain designated there. Everything went wonderfully and was re-broadcasted on TVE1.

In 1991 "Olé Olé" recieved the prize "Aplauso 92" in Miami for being the best latin group of the year.

On the 6 of July of 1991, Marta felt obligated to pose naked for a magazine that does not need to be mentioned. With this she became more popular in all of the country.

By surprise and after being with "Olé Olé " for 6 years, she decided to abandon the group in October of 1991. Marta did this to further enrich her professional career and to do other types of music. While she is in New York, she prepares her launching as a solo singer. She spent quite a bit of time in New York perfecting her english and taking classes in singing and dancing. Her new disc has a new recording company, PolyGram.

In 1992 year, Marta´s first entry into the world of cinema was with the movie "Supernova", directed by Juan Miñón and with a spectacullar cast: Marta Sánchez, Xavier Gurruchaga, Gabino Diego, Neus Asensi, Angel Alcazar, Guillermo Montesinos, David Gill and Chus Lampreave. The song's film "Everlasting" was marked the launching of Marta´s solo career but this song was not in any disc.

On November of 1993, was launched on the market her first album as a solo singer, entitled "Mujer" (Woman). There was an enormous welcome on the part of the public, above all her first single "Desesperada" (Desperate) that gained the number on spot on the charts in Spain, as in other countries.

On the 29 of December of 1994, she gets married, by surprise, to her boyfriend Jorge Salatti in Toledo (Spain), but things do not go well and one year after they decide to separate.

On the 9 of May of 1995, her second album comes out in Madrid, titled "Mi Mundo" (My World). This work is much more mature than the previous work and this album deals with actual themes in our society, like AIDS.

On February 1997 it is on sale her third album "Azabache", a disc with important songs and collaboration as the guitarist Slash and the producer Nile Rodgers. "Azabache" has some songs composed by Marta.

In addition, in the same year she collaborated with the musical band in one movie produced by Tarantino, entitled "Curdled". She interpreters with the famous guitarist Slash the song "Obsession", the primary theme of the movie. This song is produced by Nile Rodgers. She also collaborated with the Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli in the song "Vivo por ella" (Live for her), a duet with him. This song is on his album "Romanza". A beautiful song.

In 1998, she was offered a collaboration with the music band in the series "El nuevo mundo de los gnomos" (The gnomes' new world), broadcasted on television. She sung a total of 3 songs, two of them as a duet with Albert Hammond.

All was perfectly but the life gave a hard knock. In 1998 September and just before promoting her new disc, her father D. Antonio dies of a cardiac arrest.

In 1998 October it is publicated her four disc as a solo singer "Desconocida". She expresses her feelings more deeps. It is emphasized her marvellous ballads and her catchy rhythms. It is a disc very important for her and she dedicates to her father.

The people has corresponded very good to the hard work realized by Marta and they have won a prize, buying her successful "Desconocida". It is special merit the collaboration of Carlos Jean in the remixes of the single "Desconocida".

Marta has demonstrated to be a professional on the stage. She has a voice that is very personal, proper style and a magnetism of a star. One could not ask for more. All a success for the music of our country.


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