Bio Killaz

Bio Killaz originated in 1999 after a break-up of a group that Tha Klepto and Saint Sinner were in. The group was called WAK. Back in the day Tha Klepto started writing rhymes with one of his boyz, Rage. They formed a group called WAK and never really did any-fuckin'-thing with it. A year after WAK was created Saint Sinner moved back to Tha CFG. Saint was also all about being down with a rap group. So WAK took him in. At first he called himself Dj Saint. Tha Klepto soon suggested to him to call himself Dj Saint Sinner. Because at times he'd all play it off like a nice guy, then BLAM, outta fuckin' nowhere his fist, your face, the ground. That's all to be said.

Well, the group was never destined to be. Rage straight up can not rap. So, one night Tha Klepto and Saint were just chillin' in Klep's garage recording (Back in the day, recording for Bio Killaz was just having one tape player playing the beat, and another tape player with a cheap ass built in microphone, recording the beat and the raps). Anyway, they were recording tracks that way, and got to talkin' about how much Rage really had no skill. They decided to split up the group WAK, and form Bio Killaz. Breaking it to Rage that his group WAK was mad fuckin' wack was not easy. He got all pissed off and cried like a bitch about it, sayin' Saint n' Klep weren't his homies. That wasn't the fuckin' case at all, they were just lookin' at the facts. If they were ever gonna get anywhere, they had to ditch the bitch...err, Rage, I mean. (To this date Rage still continues to make diss after diss after diss tracks towards the Bio, fuck'im)

Bio Killaz was created. They started working on what they thought would be their first big release at the ripe young age of 13. Man, they were DEAD wrong. The tape turned out shitty as fuck. Some of the tracks were pretty tight, but the quality and all made it sound like a buncha fuckin' crackheads rambling on and on tryin' to make an album. Bum deal. The tape turned out to be just their "Demo Tape"...yeah, nice cover up, you fucks. The "Demo Tape" was entitled "Killaz On The Run" and there were ONLY two copies EVER made. One is lost, the other one is chillin' at Tha Klepto's house in his basement.

After that, they found a program on the internet that makes beats, and you can record on your OWN FUCKIN' COMPUTER!!! Holy shit, a HUGE upgrade. Saint quickly put that shit on his Christmas list, and it was on. He actually got the shit before Christmas, and Bio Killaz had enough time to do "A Killa Kristmas". They sold that shit at school for 3 bucks a pop. But shortly after they caught wind that pretty much everybody fuckin' hated it. Bitches. Their homies however were ALWAYS quick to deny that it was wack, and told BK to keep their heads up and never quit doin' their thang. They tried.

Shortly after the huge diss of pretty much everybody hatin' the Christmas shit, they started a new album...actually, they started two new albums. "Mind Twizt" was the "Big One" and "Party Flowz From Tha CFG" was just to give people something to listen to hold them off until Mind Twizt. Although nobody really gave a fuck that Mind Twizt was coming out, cuz Bio Killaz were mad wack. (Damn, I could make this story mad short, but I have specific instructions that I am supposed to tell the entire Bio Killaz history.)

"Party Flowz" contained 5 tracks, and BK really didn't give a fuck about that shit. They sold maybe 10 copies all together, and said fuck it. By this time it was WAY too late for BK to ever make it in the music industry. Or was it?

"Mind Twizt" was set to be released for well over two years. BK kept hypin' it up, and all this shit. Then the time came for it to REALLY be released......still waitin' never fuckin' happened. They spent mad money to get it released nicely packaged and everything. No Fuckin' WAY!! Fuck "Mind Twizt"!!! That shit was wack. Fuck it, Bio Killaz was over with for a while...

At this point all BK did was chill on the internet, looking for artists who were kinda makin' it. At least further than BK in the game. They came across Vulgar Records. Found an artist who at the time had more skill than them, Dj Freaks. They tried to get on that bitch so hard. Finally it happened. Bio Killaz name was on an internet page...woopdy-fuckin'-doo. Vulgar did NOTHING. They were all claiming to help BK and get their name out and PROMISED "You will get recognized" But ya know what? It never fuckin' happened.

Fuck Vulgar. Bio Killaz and Ghost Fleet were down from the start. From the first time Syde Show had Tha Klepto's back in a discussion where it was EVERYONE on Vulgar vs. Klep, Bio Killaz and Ghost Fleet have been down. Klep took shit in his own hands with the problems with Vulgar, stole their site, and made a totally new label. Killa Kore Records. Bio Killaz and Ghost Fleet, doin' things THEIR fuckin' way. And gettin' recognized too.

At first things on Killa Kore weren't all that gravy. Bio Killaz realized they were fuckin' wack with it. Time to focus on one thing and one thing only. Music. "Murda Fo' Free" was the break through. Neither of the Bio Killaz had a bitch, a job, or any other kinda responsibility to fuck with. So they focused everything they had on music.

TIME OUT-- Have you ever looked at a really hot ass bitch (or if you're a chick reading this, just imagine a dude...or somethin') Anyway, looked at a hot ass bitch and was like "Damn, I really like this bitch, she's mad fuckin' hot." Well, that's how it was with Bio Killaz for music. They looked at it, and liked it, thought it was dope. Well, if you FINALLY get to hook up with that hot ass bitch, you FALL DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH HER. Same scenario. Bio Killaz BEFORE Murda Fo' Free took a glance at Rap, and was like "Dope." DURING Murda Fo' Free, they finally hooked up with music. They're totally 100% in love with music. Obsessive? Crazy? Fuck you then. Cuz they're doing the shit because they love to do it, and the fans who got love for them making dope ass music. If you're a hater and you just wanna have something to diss on by reading this Bio, all like "Dude, BK's Bio is fuckin' stupid, Saint's girlfriend is Murda Fo' Free" Then you just aren't on the same level with the love for music.

Back to the fuckin' story Bio Killaz were recording for Murda Fo' Free on Killa Kore. The album took about 6 months to record, it ended up being 20 tracks of Bio Killaz at their best, to date. After a while though a few songs got scrapped from the album and now it's only 17 tracks. Still dope all the same. During the time BK was releasing Murda Fo' Free their close homies Ghost Fleet was releasing their very own free album as well entitle "Signz". Both the albums got MAD downloads, and still are.

After a while, things started to fall apart between KKR. BK and GF still remain close dawgs, and are talking of forming a new internet site to release shit together. Not a label this time though, more as a crew. But this is where comes into play. KKR is gone, I'd be expecting a comin' pretty fuckin' soon, as well as a combo site too!

*** During the time of Murda Fo' Free, Bio Killaz also had Toxic Soul and Bugzee Malone on KKR. A few tracks were done between them, but it was most often that BK and GF did tracks together***

Now, the biography has led up to today. Bio Killaz have confidential big things goin' down for them now. Just another step up in the music industry. They are currently working on a brand-new professionally recorded and packaged album. Until that album Bio Killaz are hookin' ya'll up with a FREE follow up E.P. to Murda Fo' Free entitled "Killa Kuttz". It'll be scrapped songs from Murda Fo Free (not the scrapped ones from the original 20) and it'll also be some new tracks that're scrapped from the upcoming album, as well as BRAND-NEW Bio Killaz tracks just for the muthafuckin' E.P. So keep an eye on Bio Killaz in 2004. It's BK's year to really shine and show the world whut their made of.
