
Genres Black Metal Status Formed In Active 2001

Country Colombia (Bogota)Popularity Fans 2 Fans

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Current line-up Others bands/comments Bombarider : Drums Demongoat : Guitar Satanizer InfernAK-47 : Bass Dev Spectrum : Guitar Former/Past members Others bands/comments Diabolium : Guitar Blast-phemer : Vocals Satanizer

Albums The Rise Of Satan's Artillery (CD - 2004) Satanic Armageddon (CD - 2006) Monumental Rebirth Of Satan (EP - 2008) Casus Belli Antichristianus (CD - 2009) Horncrowned - Obscuratum (Split - 2009)

Source: http://www.spirit-of-metal.com/groupe-groupe-Horncrowned-l-en.html