Holly Valance

Name: Holly Valance

Birthday: May 11th 1983

Hometown: Brighton, Australia

Favorite place to hang out: Brighton Beach, bars and restaurants around Melbourne

Hobbies: Naturally Holly loves singing, and has been singing since she was 14. Holly has a 5 foot by 4 foot Tropical freshwater fish tank, and enjoys looking after her 30 fish. To keep herself in shape, Holly loves going to the gym to do weight training, as well as Kickboxing; she used to do Muay Tai but no longer has the time, so she sticks to spectating. Holly enjoys the social scene, and loves going to bars and restaurants with her friends, as well as going for long walks along the beach trail in her hometown.

Favorite Foods: Amongst Holly's favorite foods are Rocket and Parmesan salad, Antipasto and she particularly loves Lebanese and Greek cuisine.

Family: Holly's mother Rachel was born in Southampton, England and moved to Australia when she was five years old. Holly's father, Ryko lives around the corner from Holly along with Holly's mother. Holly has two younger sisters - Coco who is 15 years old, and Olympia who is 9.

Previous jobs: Before Neighbours Holly spent 4 years doing catwalks, commercials, editorial and catalogue work

Source: http://www.hollyvalance.net/biography.html