A success is not more complicated, but quite as imperceptible as a meeting. One can program it and unearth it, flee it there and be confronted despite everything, await it in vain, or to see it falling us above without hoping for it. In all the cases, difficult to explain what made or not occur alchemy, which allowed or prevented the moment in question of taking place, or simply what gave him or withdrawn of the width and the power. Thus, more than twelve years after the exit of the opus, one still wonders how Ism & Blues could remain in the paperboards and not to be encensé (like were well the different one to it) by a too occupied public undoubtedly with congratuler one plentiful time recognized heavy lorries at exit of quality (leaving the others with). Come from Island Length and composed of MCs Test and DL, as well as DJ Six Seven, the trio Hard 2 Obtain definitively registers its name in the line of Rakim, Soul and other EPMD (all come from the same corner) in 1994, with the exit of sound opus bluish Ism & Blues. Very smooth in the productions of SD50 (Simulated Dummies), or of Rock Raida of X-Ecutionners (which was still called Rockraider), the album is held like one evening tepid last with chiller on the gray beach Island Length, sitted with several around a sound system of fortune outputting without discontinuity of the beats nourished with the jazz, skilfully recycling some low fatty of old man funk, the whole in a flexible and discrete unit. As of the first notes familiar of terrible “the Jocker’ S World”, the tone is detached, peacefully Hip Hop. The napes of the neck react without too much including/understanding why, whereas the voices are connected with facility, supporting light topics and informed feathers. Hardly vacuum-cleaned Scratchs ends and crasseuses sonorities are there to ensure the particular environment of the opus, at the same time simple and completely captivating “Heels without souls” positions the fair sex with the c?ur conversations at the falling night, with a light machism and a soft-bitter distrust “Shit we C” resounds during a long moment at all Hip Hop Heads convinced, carrying the three assistants of Hardware 2 Obtain to the row of “Hero Room” accessible and humble. Individual of the album at the time, “L.I. Groove” puts mood agreeably lazy and throbbing, whereas “Bust me down” awakes the spirits and leaves a torpor voluntary and alleviating. True collection of part of goldsmiths learnedly conceived, Ism & Blues leaves behind him clouds of pleasure like traces of step in thick sand “Babble One”, “Gaining pounds”, “Time” or “Diamond Ghetto” confirm the remarkable quality of the tracklist, without false note nor lowers mode. Approaching the topics familiar of the street without bringing back of it ambient violence, this opus section singularly with good number of the outstanding exits of the time. Possible reason of its mitigated commercial reception, this soft abounded unconcern of smoke of blunt and rhymes intended for the women, also constitutes the major asset of a cordial album and meticulous person. Débonnaire in the attitude as in the treatment of the subjects chosen, Ism & Blues does not remain about it less one disc firmly anchored in its identity Hip Hop pure (but not hard). With this saving republication, 1994 never were also near to us. Like what, the missed meetings catch up with us sometimes, as if time him even if seized certain works unrelentingly.