
An album we've been waiting for over a year now, 'Innova', by christian rock band Fireflight

An album we've been waiting for over a year now, 'Innova', by christian rock band FireflightOriginally from Orlando, Florida, Dawn Michele and the band have been making good quality, inspiring music, since before the 'Outta My Head' Ep, brought to the fans through the PledgeMusic campaign. If you're not familiar with the Pledger fan-artist negotiating system, then visit their site. It's basically a great way of knowing a lot more about an album before it's out and purchasable, and a great way of supporting bands that you love. You pre-order the album, you're charged immediately, the bands use that money to expand their musical projects, and if they fail in launching the album, you'll get a full refund. If they don't, well, you get the album ahead of everyone else, alongside with the load of insight that we already mentioned.

Their new album, 'Innova' (which we believe means 'you innovate' in Latin, roughly translated as 'You make me new!'), is indeed full of light, breathtaking, and it's taking Christian music to its experimental verges. You can easily imagine almost each song being dedicated to a lover, or you can capitalize that lowercase 'you' and shift the reflector over to our Savior. That's what we love about this kind of songs. They go both way like that.

See the full album lyrics on our front page and don't leave without watching Dawn Michele's beautiful album frontispiece over their Facebook page: "We are light, it's everywhere, the power, the creative energy of the Universe, pouring into our hearts from our Creator".

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