Important to know! Dispatched's history is divided into two sections; the first era of 1991 to 1995, and the second era of 1996 to present. Don't mix these two together, as it is actually 2 different bands - even if they got a connection, and that's why also the first era is enclosed in this page. But the band of today did really begin to take form 1996


The whole story of DISPATCHED started just before new-years eve of 91/92, the founder, Daniel Lundberg (Guitar) and Criss Andersson (Vocals), decided to start a band. Jonas Kimbrell joined this duo later on and their first Demo was recorded in the summer of 1992. Till the end of the same year, Emanuel Astrom was founded and the line-up was complete.

A new promo-tape was recorded in early 1993 in the same studio as their first demo (Stone-studio). In the summer of 1993, the whole gang drove to the famous UNISOUND (r.i.p.) to make another promo. With this 2:nd promo, Dispatched gained more attentions and some labels shown some interest in the band - this tape got no bad reviews at all!! One year later, Dispatched returned to UNISOUND to record a whole album - which was planned to be released by Exhumed Productions in Germany, and 11 songs were recorded. Jonas and Emanuel decided to go their own way right after this recording.

Daniel and Criss continued alone in the rest of ´94, buying a 4-chanel studio and didn't rehearse at all, only some songs was made on that little studio, but in the end of ´95, Fredrik Larsson joined the band and they started to rehearse again. Until now, Exhumed Production had only released 4 of the 11 songs as a 7"EP. Right before the summer of ´96, Criss grown tired of doing the band and left... This ended the first era, which includes the releases of the 7"EP "Awaiting the end" and later on also the MCD "Blackshadows"... (Both taken from the same recording of 1994)


Daniel and Fredrik continued to rehearse and after the summer they found a new drummer, Mattias Hellman, later on also a keyboard player/vocals, Fredrik Karlsson. This four piece planned to record some new songs until the summer of ´97, but the drummer wasn't good enough in the studio, so a replacement was done by Dennis Nilsson. After some changes of studio dates, Dispatched finally recorded 4 songs in studio Titan in September ´97 (to become "Returned to your mind" MCD). Dennis Nilsson become a full member in the band and a 2:nd guitar player joined later as well in the beginning of 1998 - Emil Larsson.

With this line-up, Dispatched was rehearsing for a new release. 3rd - 7th of August 1998, was the date when Dispatched visited studio ABYSS B, with Tommy Tägtgren behind the knobs. This resulted in a new (3rd) MCD "PROMISED LAND", which contains 5 songs + an outro, totally 25 minutes of music.

Dispatched signed a 1 MCD deal with Kshatryas Production from Germany for this release - and the MCD saw the light of day just before x-mas of 1998.

Under 1999, not much were done, only rehearsing a lot for the planned full-length album. In October, the guys entered the Abyss Studio with Tommy Tägtgren again - two weeks were booked, but Dispatched were well prepared for this action, and used only 12 days for the recording of 10 new songs (of a totally running time of 60 minutes). Dispatched had already got offers from several record companies before the recording session, but stayed calm and didn't sign anything. Now with a whole album, they sent out a couple of copies to a few record companies again, to see the reaction. The reaction was amazing and Dispatched were offered many deals from different labels.

Dispatched signed for MUSIC FOR NATIONS in March 2000.

Fredrik Larsson make up his mind just a month before the release of the new recording "Motherwar", he decides to quit the music for good (?) and leave the band. There are no hard feelings and Fredrik leaves with 5 years of his life putted in this band, the longest time for a band member besides Daniel himself... To find a new member wasn't easy, but Tarzan (Mattias Hellman) was recruited on trial for 6 month, to see if he was up to the job. 6 month after, on x-mas eve, he become a official member, accepted by all band members.

During all time, much time have been devoted in letting Tarzan into all Dispatched songs, and also working on the 2nd album of Dispatched...

Dispatched went to the famous Studio Fredman in 3 weeks of April/May 2001 to finally record the 2:nd album of Dispatched. The working title of the album was Terrorizer and behind the knobs you could find Anders Fridén (In Flames). The band didn't know it then, but was aware of how current this title should be just a couple of month later (September 11th)...

However, Music For Nation wasn't satisfied with the results and neither were Dispatched, so MFN and Dispatched decided to go separate ways in the future... The band wanted to give the songs another shoot, by recording them again but now back in the home-studio - Abyss, to get the real Dispatched sound that never apeared on the "Fredman" recording... The re-recording of the record was planned to the summer of 2002...

However, until the summer of 2002 the whole band had grew tired of doing this band, so the whole band decided to split up...


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