
MediaChannel founder and executive editor, Danny Schechter the "News Dissector" is also a founder and Vice President/Executive Producer of Globalvision, Inc., an award-winning media company formed in 1987. Mr. Schechter has been a broadcast and print journalist and is an internationally recognized speaker and writer on media issues. His work has been honored with Emmy awards, the IRIS award, the George Polk Award, the Major Armstrong Award, and honors from the National Association of Black Journalists. Mr. Schechter was the news director and principal newscaster for WBCN-FM, an on-air reporter for WGBH, and a news program producer and investigative reporter at CNN and ABC. He is the author of several books, the most recent of which is "Embedded: Weapons of Mass Deception" (Prometheus). B.A. in Labor History, Cornell University, 1964; MA in Political Sociology London School of Economics, l968, Harvard University Nieman Fellowship in Journalism, 1978; Honorary Ph.D. Fitchberg College, l991

Source: http://www.newsdissector.org/dissectorville/bio.html