Cyco Miko

Considering he has about eighty-two jillion different bands (best known of which: Suicidal Tendencies and Infectious Grooves), it's not quite clear why Mike Muir found it necessary to issue a "solo" album. This becomes even less clear when you listen to it and discover that most of it is fairly disposable midtempo punk rock songs that all go on for way way WAY too long (only 4 of the 11 songs are under four minutes!!!). But fat the whuck - the dude has an enjoyably oafish football player voice, the music all sounds like late-period Circle Jerks (aside from the Suicidal-sounding psychopower ballad "Save A Peace For Me") which isn't a bad thing since most of the cute little riffs are catchy enough and you can find the disc in every cheapy bin in America, so whack the fut?

Interestingly, the very next Suicidal Tendencies album sounded like this, a complete 359 from the previous funk metal outing. But now they're back to funk metal so enjoy your Mike Muir punk rock sellout fix whilst you could! If you missed it when it actually occurred, all you need are 13.21 jigawatts of plutonium to get Christopher Lloyd's time machine to work.
