Watch Coldplay performing live on SNL two songs off 'Mylo Xyloto'

Watch Coldplay performing live on SNL two songs off 'Mylo Xyloto'Coldplay brought their music on Saturday Night Live stage. As their Mylo Xyloto album debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard chart, the British alternative rock-band delivered two songs off the album 'Paradise' and 'Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall'.

Chris Martin performed first the 'Paradise' in a piano version single, having the wall behind splashed with neon graffiti akin to their album cover.

Coldplay 'Paradise' on SNL :

They return for a pushing the limits song 'Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall' which made Coldplay's frontman to dance until he throws on the floor.

Coldplay 'Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall' on SNL: