A Letter From Boy Hits Car As of today 11/11/03 It was announced by Scott, the bassist of Boy Hits Car, that Micheal, their drummer and friend of 10 years has quit the band. Scott writes: Dear Boy Hits Car Street Teamers and Fans,

Due to personal reasons and musical differences our drummer and brother Michael has chosen to move on from Boy Hits Car. For more than a decade we were blessed and fortunate to share life experiences and musical adventures together that will always remain in our hearts and memories. We love Michael and wish him the best.

Our passion for our music and the bond of our friendship calls us to persevere. The fire within us burns brighter than ever. We continue to stay true to our dream; We owe it to the music, to ourselves, and of course to you, the fans.

After holding extensive auditions, we have chosen a new drummer whom we feel is the perfect fit with us. We welcome Kerim to the band with open hearts and feel fortunate our paths have joined. We believe his contributions, talents and vibe will help us deliver a new level of music that will communicate, evoke and inspire love, fury, passion and energy in us all to live our dreams.

Thank you for supporting Boy Hits Car and live music. Stay tuned, more lovecore to come.

With love, Boy Hits Car

Biography The lights onstage dim, the audience erupts into cheers and from the powerful rumble of the drums coming at you like an out-of-control 18-wheeler to the sweat glistening on the chest of...

Fuck all that. We're Boy Hits Car. No bones about it, we'll kick it to you straight. My name is Scott, I'm the bass player in Boy Hits Car and this is our bio in my own words:

Louis (guitar), Craig (vocals, acoustic 12-string guitar), and I all grew up together from early childhood. Louis and Craig were neighbors in the same condo complex and knew each other since they were mere toddlers wearing diapers. I lived a mile away so it wasn't until the beginning of elementary school that my path crossed with theirs.

Looking back now, it seems fitting that the first time I ever saw Craig he was singing. A happy kid with wild blonde hair and a big smile, he was in the schoolyard belting out that song from The Wiz, "C'mon and ease on down, ease on down the road" over and over as he'd run toward the chain link fence at the edge of the playground and bounce into it.

I remember seeing Louis around from time to time but my first encounter with him wasn't until I was 11. He'd ripped a friend of mine off, selling him a crappy BMX bike that he'd painted over and plastered with Red Line stickers, trying to pass it off as the real thing. Teased by all the kids, my friend quickly realized he'd been taken so we set off on bikes to find this "Louie" character and get a refund. We tracked him down at the local video arcade where he'd already spent the kid's money. No refund was granted but Louis and I wound up becoming great friends.

Louis, Craig and I spent a lot of time together over the years, having fun, hangin' out at each other's houses, getting into trouble (I was usually the instigator, "always scheming" as Craig puts it), and finding ourselves.

In 1990 Craig was burning with a passionate idea and told me that we had to form a band. "Scott, you've already been playing bass, Lou's been playing guitar--he can play all kinds of Slayer and Metallica stuff--and I can sing!" A mutual friend of ours played drums and our first band was formed. We played parties and had fun and all was going well until our drummer announced he was quitting to join another band. We were hurt, but with 20/20 hindsight I now see that everything happens for a reason.

We decided to form a new band and go in a new musical direction. We met and jammed with a slew of drummers, mostly meatheads; usually within the first 30 seconds we could tell it wasn't going to work. Forming a strong band is much like dating: you search and search until you find that perfect person for you, that soul mate who understands you and who you understand; someone with whom you can connect. When it is true, you know it.

Flashback: Michael (drums) was born and reared in Los Angeles until his dad's job transferred the family to Connecticut. He adjusted and life was good until his dad's job relocated the family again, this time uprooting Michael's ties and landing him at the beginning of his 10th grade year in a small country town, just a blip on the map somewhere in Texas. "That's where my nightmare began," Michael puts it. A small, fast-talking city kid, he stood out from the crowd, never really fitting in, and became a self-professed "loner". It was during that time that he spent countless hours locked away in his room playing drums. He played in many bands and eventually his drumming brought him back to L.A. The music gods led him to us as we found each other, of all places, in a "Drummer Wanted" ad we'd placed in an L.A. paper. And in February of 1993 Boy Hits Car was born.

We wrote songs and gigged locally. Los Angeles has what we call the "pay-to-play" circuit where certain clubs will charge bands sometimes as much as several hundred dollars to pre-sell tickets to their own show which ensures them a slot on a good bill. Since we always agreed bands shouldn't have to pay money to express their art we opted not to take that route. Why do what is expected of you? Why let the car hit you? We agreed to stand strong as the boy and hit the car. Going it this way was sometimes tough. We never did pay-to-play but with no fanbase we were given the worst possible time slots, like 12:15am on a Tuesday or 7:30pm on a Friday.

We got used to playing for next to no one and in turn, we learned how to play for ourselves, to connect with each other, to feed off each other's energy and give it our all: blood, sweat and tears (literally). We became stronger as a unit.

In March of 1995 a booking agent got hold of our demo tape and sent us out on a six-week tour. We'd hardly been out our front door and there we were traveling across the country, just the four of us and all our equipment in our brown van, "Scooby," living together, playing our music and growing closer as band mates and as brothers. We were still playing to next to no one but we were living our dream.

Once home, we wrote more songs, played more gigs and recorded more demo tapes. We did some more short tours over the country and in 1997 we got signed to a very independent record label. We recorded our first album, "My Animal" (released in May 1998). We gave it all we had but the label gave it no promotion and two weeks after its limited release and low sales, they dropped us.

Feeling discouraged and disheartened we pressed on and believed in the music we were creating and in ourselves. We continued to do what we had always done. We played more gigs with shoddy time slots and little by little more people kept coming out to see us. Toward the end of 1999 we began garnering interest from various record labels and in January 2000 we signed with our first choice, Wind-up Records.

In February we picked up a handful of dates on the SnoCore tour opening for System Of A Down, Incubus and Mr. Bungle and recently we opened for Papa Roach on a couple of dates, layin' it down to some crazy crowds. After years of sweatin' it out to small crowds these gigs were a step up to a new level for us as we found ourselves playing to the largest audiences we'd ever been in front of; sometimes as many as 3,000 people. It's amazing for us to play in front of large audiences and to connect and to feel the power and energy coming back to us. But whether we are playing in front of 3,000 people or three people our motto is the same as it's always been: Play all-out from the heart or don't play at all. I know not where tomorrow will take us; all I know is where we are today.

And today I feel fortunate to be able to create and play beautiful music with my three brothers. And in this moment we are pouring everything we've got into this record to make it the sickest, loveliest, ugliest, prettiest, most beautiful, melodic, heartfelt album coming at ya straight from the depths of our soul.

People always ask me, what does Boy Hits Car stand for? My answer is simple: Boy Hits Car believes in living from the heart and following your dream. It doesn't matter what your passion is or what you do, it just matters that you do it with love.

Source: ftp://ftp.winduplist.com/pub/bhc/artwork/bio12-00.txt

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