Apartment 26 is not only an awesome group but awesome guys. I was introduced to them and their music in an interesting way. I was walking around back stage at ozzfest and I see this tall skinny little cutie in a beanie bluhsing like crazy in my direction and another tall lanky cutie with dreads walking towards me. "Hi, I'm Jon, and my friend Biff over there is too shy to come tell you he thinks you're cute and he wants to know if you'd like to hang out after the show with us. I mean you don't have to but will you at least come talk to him for a little while?" I think my face turned even redder than Biff's... Soon I was chilling with the boys from Apt. 26 and Ozzy's kids. I couldn't believe how laid back they were. I felt like I was waiting for the bus again back in high school. They made jokes about each other, threw my (extremely short) friend, Leo over their shoulder and carried him around like a hand bag and invited us on the bus. A.C. was already on the bus wiht his beloved Playstation (he never leaves it's side. The guys told me he has some kind of unhealthy addiction to grand turismo or something.) Biff barely talked, just blushed constantly and then even more when Jon made him the butt of his jokes...it was cute.

You could tell they were really a tight knit group. Biff, took off his hat, put it on my head, curled up in my lap and fell asleep. Jon kept on joking around. That boy loves to talk but it's always funny so it's cool. It was also refreshing to find a group of people at Ozzfest that weren't inebrieted. They were twice as fun with out 10 cases of heineken. I'm not really sure if this is the kind of biography you were looking for but it is a first hand account of what the guys are like (Biff is bashful, Jon is the funny one, Louis is totally shy admittedly so, and AC is a playstation fiend.) I hope I didn't bore you, I just don't have enough chances to say what cool guys these were. They even kept in contact with my via email all through the studio process and everything.So to sum up my ramblings, these are 4 great musicians and 4 great guys, definatley worth meeting if you get the chance.

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