1986-The first incarnation of Anything Box performs at a private party where admission was charged. In 1993, the public called them "Raves."

1987-Second incarnation of Anything Box performs at the Loop Lounge. Claude S. meets Dania Morales. A show in Harlem follows with success. They record their first 12" record.

1988-Dania joins the band, it is supposed to be for one show, but it turns into a full time vocation. Performances continue to multiply and they receive attention at college radio, three songs from their "Demo" is in the top 10 at WRNU (one of them is a cover of Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart." Club popularity increases...

1989-They expand out of their New Jersey boundaries and play Allentown, PA and the legendary CBGBS in NY. They cut two 12" records of "Living in Oblivion" and continue to do shows. They move to California and Paul joins the band. "Living in Oblivion" becomes a number 1 radio/club song and Epic is ready to sign the band...

1990-Epic signs them and they record "Peace," their first album. Critically approved and radio friendly, it sells well for a debut from a new group. At the end of the year though, there are signs of strain as Epic tries to commercialize the band by trying to convince them to become a rock band and steer away from the electronics. Paul leaves the band to pursue a solo career...

1991-Anything Box goes to Germany to record "Worth," the second album, with Gareth Jones (produced DM, Erasure, etc.) Although moody and introspective, it generates two top 10 Hits at radio without hype or product. The strain between the band and label deepens...the future is uncertain, but they remain hopeful.

1992-(April) The group is clear about wanting their departure from Epic. They begin the legal process of getting their wishes. They give up "Worth," and the band is set free. Gary (Claude's brother) joins the band, the shows get better. Life returns to the group.

1993- Anything Box records "Hope" on their own independent label "Orangewerks." Touring continues as more products become released.

1994- Anything Box offers a membership to fans across the world. This membership includes frequent newsletters as well as "Worth" for free!

1995-Claude S. releases "The Diary," an independent project by him that is dark and gothic.

1996-Because of the high demand of rare Anything Box tracks, "Mixology" is released much to the delight of fans across the world. Orangewerks merges with Jarrett Records and releases "Living in Oblivion '96." The band still continues to tour and work hard on their next album "Exhibition."

1997- 1997 was quite a productive year for Anything Box. Claude began working on the new album Elektrodelica (with a formal working title of "exhibition"). At this point Dania deceided to leave the band. Paul Rijnders joined at that point. Elektrodelica was released in the latter months of the year along with a new single entitled "Conscious." Touring began again, most of the shows in Sothern California, Texas, and New York.

1998- (Feb) Anything Box completes the video for '45. The band continues to play spot shows featuring songs from Elektrodelica.

1999- In Spring, after many delays, Elektrodelica finally is distributed to major record stores and becomes regularly available from Jarrett Records along with Hope. In early Summer, a new collection of different mixes of songs from Peace and Worth entitled Elektrospective is released. In November, after many struggles, Anything Box leaves Jarrett Records and once agains start their own label Presswerk.13. The band releases the Recovered album which is a collection of once thought to be lost songs which were saved from a damaged DAT. Most of the songs were written between Worth and Hope. The band begins work on their next album.

2000- Anything Box continues work on several projects including a new album entitled The Universe is Expanding. Along with the new album they also plan some EPs including a venture back to Claude's solo The Diary project. The band continues to play shows in Southern California, Texas, Chicago, as well as Synthstock 2000 in Salt Lake City. The shows include songs off of the upcoming album. After several difficulties in the early recording of vocals, the band has resumed and nearly finished recording. The new album is expected to be released in late 2000 or early 2001.

Source: http://www.abox.f2s.com/anything.html

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