Your Old Droog

Your Old Droog revealed as ghost of Nas

Your Old Droog revealed as ghost of NasWho's behind these professional ill sounding tracks is the question on everyone's lips. This Thomas Pynchon of rap is making people all around understand the medieval tribute to art, in a sense that the artist shades himself from the objective work, leaving the apotheosis and the tribulations of fame to the meek and mediocre.

A true artist comes second place to his masterpiece, just like a teacher falls second place to his pupil, like a parent suspends his own life in order to mold his child's life. If Nas is really the godfather behind this new Old Droog song that's called Sleepers..., then he is one talented craftsman.

A lot of references to PBS special, of which Nas has a couple, a lot of insights on Nas's life and major major fire on a Mac Miller / Larry Fisherman beat. If the artist thinks the work of art comes before the artist himself, who are we to argue? Let's just listen to the song:

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