Woody's Roundup movie - 'One, Two, Three,' Said The Prospector lyrics
rate me<br>
Boys there's gonna be a big blast.<br>
We'd better be careful and count our steps<br>
aways from the dynamite or else…<br>
Huh, well let me tell you a story <br>
"One, two, three," said the prospector<br>
settin' his dynamite<br>
"Four, five, six," said the prospector<br>
packing his fuses tight<br>
"Seven, eight nine," said the prospector<br>
down in the mine so cold<br>
Ten big steps took the prospector<br>
dreaming of big piles of gold <br>
Boy, it's dark down here, I'd better turn on the <br>
lamp. Let's see, I got my map here…ah, right, <br>
then turn left, and right, left, right. Ah good thing<br>
I've got the eyes of a much younger man. Oh,<br>
ow, my toe, oh! Coulda been worse though, <br>
I coulda hit my head, Ow, my head! Whew! <br>
Whoa, oh, oh my gosh! Look, the mother lode, <br>
look at all that gold. Oh it's time to set the <br>
dynamite. Let's see, I'll put one stick here, no,<br>
let's see I'll put ten sticks, no, I'll put a hundred<br>
sticks of dynamite here. Oh, and then I'll light the<br>
fuse and get away. Oh, I'd better get far enough<br>
away. Let's see, I took ten steps gettin' here, <br>
I'll take ten steps away, I'll count backwards. <br>
"Ten, nine, eight," said the prospector<br>
stepping careful and slow<br>
"Seven, six, five," said the prospector<br>
the dynamite ready to go<br>
"Four, three, two," said the prospector<br>
wandering to and fro<br>
"One and ('Blast!')" said the prospector…<br>
And blew himself clean to Oregon and parts <br>
of Idyho!<br>