WALE Releases “The Followers” Track

WALE Releases “The Followers” Track“Follow me, follow me or forget me, follow me/ Follow me, follow me or forgive me, cause y’all about to see,” sings Olubowale Victor Akintimehin, better known for his stage name, WALE, in the hook of his recently released track, “The Followers.”

The track’s release follows last week’s dispute between the 29-year-old artist and his colleague, Meek Mill. In order to keep his mind occupied and not think about the incident, WALE released this Pro Reese and Marce Reazon track.

Unfortunately, it is obvious that the track has been released in a hurry. The multitude of instances in which the track skips abruptly give the track an unfinished look.

“Song called ‘the followers’ just basically talkin about where I been at mentally. Tryna bring u closer to #nothing album,” stated WALE on his Twitter account referring to his latest release.

Check it out and speak your mind about it!

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