
Turk on some heavy player shit with his Touchdown song

Turk on some heavy player shit with his Touchdown songSince his Hands Up song, the one about Mike Brown and the incident that got the whole black community on it’s toes, Turk has been rather quiet. Now this hot one slammed the door on us. No way you’re not listening to this one.

The game is intertwined with some football references, Turk telling us that every man in his clique is scoring a touchdown. Do you have a money testing device? Because he acts like money, he looks like money, he smells like money, so he passed the test. That’s roughly what he’s saying in his first verse. ’I’m gettin’ money like I’m gettin’ head, and everyday I’m waking up with three bitches in my bed’. That’s what I call touchdown!

No word on the scope on his new LP. No use in assuming anything. The man never disappoints, anyway. This song proves it. You can easily make a freestyle on this beat. We’ll just wait and see what happens.

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