Ya Tvoya Ne Pervaja

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Music by: S. Galoyan
Lyrics by: V. Polienko

Vidish' veter?
Nu I chto?
Posmotri v okno...
Nu I chto?
A vchera bylo solntse...
Nu I chto?
Zachem ty vse vremya govorish' odno I tozhe?
A ya - avtootvetchik
(Hello ...
Hello ...
Do you see how windy it is?
So what?
Look out your window ...
So what?
It was so sunny yesterday
So what?
Why are you always saying the same thing?
I'm an answering machine.)

Vzyat' I uspokoit'sya
Zoloto molchaniye
Radio bessonnitsa
Stantsiya proschaniye.
Kto komu dostanetsya
Vypadet monetkami?
Kto komu ostanetsya
Nervami, tabletkami?
(Just relax,
Silence is golden,
Insomniac Radio,
The Farewell Station.
Who will be with who,
The flip of coins will decide?
Who will stay with who
Will you need nerves or drugs?)

Za nochnymi oknami
Zakrichit, slomayetsya
Eto ne schitayetsya
Eto ne schitayetsay
Vernaya, nevernaya
Tihaya, pechal'naya
Ya tvoya ne pervaya
Ty moya sluchainaya
(Behind night windows
Scream and break
It doesn't count
It doesn't count
Faithful, unfaithful
Silence, grief,
I'm not your first love
I'm insignificant to you)

Pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi,
Pokazhi, pokazhi mne lyubov'
Pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi
Pochemu, pochemu ya s toboi
Pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi,
Pokazhi, pokazhi mne lyubov'
Pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi
Pochemu, pochemu ya s toboi
(Show, show, show, show
Show, show me love.
Show, show, show, show
Why, why I'm with you.
Show, show, show, show
Show, show me love.
Show, show, show, show
Why, why I'm with you.)

Kazhetsya, okazhetsya
Prosche ne znakomit'sya
Kto iz nas otkazhetsya
Vzyat' I uspokoit'sya?
Devochki kak devochki
A potom - lunatiki
Nomera I strelochki
Shokoladki, fantiki
(Seems like it will turn out
It's easier not to get acquainted
Which of us will refuse
To just relax?
Girls being like girls
And suddenly become lunatics
Numbers and tiny arrows,
Chocolates and candy wrappers.)

Spryachetsya, rasplachetsya
Skazhet, ispugayetsya
Eto ne schitayetsya
Eto ne schitayetsya
Vernaya, nevernaya
Tihaya, pechal'naya
Ya tvoya ne pervaya
Ty moya sluchainaya
(She'll hide herself and burst into tears
She'll say something and scare herself
It doesn't count
It doesn't count
Faithful, unfaithful
Silence, grief,
I'm not your first love
I'm insignificant to you)

Pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi,
Pokazhi, pokazhi mne lyubov'
Pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi
Pochemu, pochemu ya s toboi
Pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi,
Pokazhi, pokazhi mne lyubov'
Pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi
Pochemu, pochemu ya s toboi
(Show, show, show, show
Show, show me love.
Show, show, show, show
Why, why I'm with you.
Show, show, show, show
Show, show me love.
Show, show, show, show
Why, why I'm with you.)

Pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi mne lyubov' ...
Get 'Ya Tvoya Ne Pervaja' at: amazon.com  sheetmusicplus.com

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