Shadmehr Aghili - Taghdir lyrics
rate meبايد تورو پيدا کنم
bayad toro peyda konam --- I have to find you even though
شايد هنوزم دير نيست
shayad hanoozam dir nist --- maybe it's not late yet
تو ساده دل کندي ولي تقدير بي تقصير نيست
to sade del kandi vali taghdir bi taghdir bi taghsir nist --- you gave up easily but the fate is also not faultless (partly the fate is to blame)
با اينکه بي تاب مني بازم منو خط ميزني
ba inke bi tabe mano bazam mano khat mizani --- Although you are so desparate for me, still you draw a line on me (you put me aside)
بايد تو رو پيدا کنم تو با خودت هم دشمني
bayad toro peyda konam to ba khodet ham doshmani --- I have to find you, you are even your own enemy
کي با يه جمله مثل من ميتونه آرومت کنه
ki ba ye jomle mesle man mitoone aroomet kone? --- who can make you feel calm only with a sentence as I do?
اون لحظه هاي آخر از رفتن پشيمونت کنه
on lahze haye akhar az raftan pashimoonet kone? --- (who can) change your mind about leaving at the very last seconds (as I do?)
دلگيرم از اين شهر سرد
degiram az in shahre sard --- I'm sad of this cold city (town)
اين کوچه هاي بي عبور
in koche haye bi obor --- (I'm sad of) these banned alleys (like dead end allyways)
وقتي به من فکر مي کني
vaghti be man fekr mikoni --- when you are thinking about me...
حس مي کنم از راه دور
hes mikonam az rahe door --- I feel it from far away
آخر يه شب اين گريه ها سوي چشام مي بره
akhar ye shab in gerye ha soye cheshamo mibare --- these cries would make my eyes blind one night (some day)
عطرت داره از پيرهني که جا گذاشتي ميپره
atret dare az pirhani ke ja gozashti mipare --- your smell comes from your clothing which you left
بايد تو رو پيدا کنم هر روز تنهاتر نشي
bayad toro peyda konam har rooz tanhatar nashi --- I have to find you for you not to feel lonelier everyday
راضي به با من بودنت حتي از اين کمتر نشي
razi be ba man boodanet hatta az in kamtar nashi --- for you not to get fed up of being with me more than this
پيدات کنم حتي اگه پروازم پرپر کني
peydat konam hatta age parvazamo par par koni --- (I have to find you) even if you stop me flying away
محکم بگيرم دست تو احساسم باور کني
mohkam begiuram dasteto ehsasamo bavar koni --- (I have to find you) to hold your hands tight to make you believe my feelings