Raz Simone

Ferguson frustrations and rap game resolution with Raz Simone

Ferguson frustrations and rap game resolution with Raz SimoneAs much as this title would seem an interview, it's not. The only interview we did was a view we took "inside" Raz Simone's thoughts. So you may as well call it an internview, because Raz Simone's really an intellectual, and rap frenzied artists rarely are. They're all condoning the so called 'rap game' while promoting their music, their way, their opinion on the game. So you have all the major artists saying that the rap game is twisted, and their contribution to the game is genuine. It's like a jury proposing a leader, and everyone votes for himself! No-one can get elected. This often happens when you try your best to destroy something (the rap game, in our case), without proposing something else instead. You demolish a building without building something on the crash site. Promoting yourself never works. There's no credibility in that. That's the most subjective stance you can assume. So in comes Raz Simone, and I repeat it, with his depth, with his intellectual portrayal of society, and talks about how Chief Keef is a menace to society(my words, not his! he's a bit more sophisticated in descriptions), how Ferguson brought out the worst in people (racism, stupidity, narrowness of thought), how we need to promote other artists, standing models, instead of selfishly babbling how we're the best, we're the most, we're the greatest.

Out this whole 'Macklemore Privilege & Chief On Keef Violence' EP, we gotta go for 'The Race', which is not really a song, but a soliloquy, that does wonders for the heart. You have it right here. Enjoy!

<iframe width="400" height="300" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JLtCCIYdadM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>