Czerwone Prawo
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Jak wiele bolu, meki i krwi Ile potrzeba bylo ofiar Abysmy mogli zaczac jak ludzie zyc Bysmy mogli cieszyc sie bytem Tyle czasu aparat wladzy Bezkarnie dzialal Prawo bylo bezprawiem Brak czynow, slowa rzucane na wiatr Efekty tego dzis mamy Gazem i guma tlumili formy sprzeciwu Krzyki wyczerpanego narodu Na klamstwie oparli system rzadzenia Bledy taili przed ludem O prawde wielu ludzi walczylo Zrobili z nas republike Przeciez mielismy zawsze przyjaciol Ktorzy o nas dbali By nie zachcialo nam sie niezaleznosci Bysmy za silni sie nie stali Rady nam dawali Wolnosc i wiare zabrali [English translation:] [Red Justice] How much pain, tire and blood How many victims have we need To love as a humen being To enjoy our live So long, did the party machine work impunity And justice was unjustice No action, words was throwing on the wind And we have results today They put down rebellions - cry of tired With gas and gum The system of ruling was based on lies They hit their malversations from people So many people fight for true So many lost their lives They made us the republic We had so many friend around us They took care of us To be not too independent To be not too strong They gave us advice They took freedom and trusting
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