
Pitbull Heats Things Up with “Fireball”

Pitbull Heats Things Up with “Fireball”Ladies, Pitbull is back, and he comes like a “fireball!” Yes, you guessed it right! The naughty American rapper and Latin Grammy winning artist from Miami is back with another track to brighten up your summer, and to make you shake those hips.

Entitled “Fireball,” Pitbull’s latest offering is dope, catchy, and you most certainly will hear it on the radio soon enough. Made in collaboration with songwriter John Ryan, who also adds vocals to the track, the record will be included on Mr. Worldwide’s upcoming album, “Globalization,” set for release in the fall of 2014.

“We gonna drink, drink and take shots until we fall out/ Like the roof on fire/ Now baby give a booty naked, take off all your clothes, and light the roof on fire,” sings Pitbull, whose real name is Armando Christian Pérez, in his recently released track.

So ladies, you know what you have to do! Press play down below and enjoy this summer beat!

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