Ryan Bowers, independent and turbulent, securing his position in rap with The Premier

Ryan Bowers, independent and turbulent, securing his position in rap with The PremierLast week, Dj Premier had some real murderous beats hooked and ready for Ras Kass. Yesterday, Premier put on Cali rapper Ryan Bowers, who again debouches with a fine grip over reality and some highly intuitive bars that see through rap game's facade. When the curtain drops, this just might be the name you'll be yelling for if you want that encore.

Check out this guy's facebook and twitter pages

  • https://www.facebook.com/RyanBowersMusic
  • https://twitter.com/RyanBowersOB

He's sure to never say what you want to hear. He cares about his fans so much, that he doesn't lie to them. We're talking that necessary truth that comes with a sting.

<iframe width="400" height="300" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8Iv2-XeSgRI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>