Richard Page's new album, Goin' South, promises a lot, artistically and ideology-wise

Richard Page's new album, Goin' South, promises a lot, artistically and ideology-wiseFormer lead and bass for Mr. Mister, Richard Page has got five albums out since going solo(in 1996, 'Shelter Me', in 2010 'Peculiar Life', a live cd/dvd featuring his best hits in 2011, 'Songs from the Sketchbook' three years ago, and of course, his newest album, 'Goin' South'). The man refused two great lead singer roles. If you didn't already know it, we're talking about the lead singer positions in the band called Chicago, and in Toto. I mean, wow!

His latter album has taken a little twist from his former albums, but we can assure you, nothing's "going south" with his songs. 'Southern Wind' is a little country-ish song that talks about how freedom is defined as this migration from North to South, as a man/woman is homebound. Home's nothing until you lose it, right? Check out the song alongside its lyrics on the topside of this page, and tune in for the full album lyrics later on today. Cheers!

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