Ricco Love officially incorporates strip clubs into his life. This song, Strip Club Pt.2, is very VERY touching

Ricco Love officially incorporates strip clubs into his life. This song, Strip Club Pt.2, is very VERY touchingLess lustful and more tolerant, Ricco Love reminds us that stripping is, first of all, a job. It comes with certain dignity, and should not be looked at like prostitution, let's say, because these girls are on a pay check and the money they get come through as tips, and not as black market contracts. The strip club pays taxes, it undertakes its legal duties by contributing to the state.

Second of all, stripping is an art. Not many girls can do it. The pole is a form of artistic manifestation, let's say. Like ballet. Many have noticed this expertise that women have on the pole, and have drawn it close to art, which is universal and inspiring.

Britain's Got Talent awarded a girl who did wonders on the pole, and might I say, she was a little bit overweight. That's two dogmas brought down in one show! Overweight girls can prove extensive mobility, velocity, flexibility.

The second dogma coincides with Ricco Love's verdict: pole dancing is a show. It soothes the mind as it does the heart. You gotta hear the song, AND the interlude, in which Ricco speaks of his first encounters with the strip club. He calls it his home, for crying out loud, and the ladies performing are "like family". What more do you want? :D

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