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Guns, guns, guns!<br /> Guns, guns, guns!<br /> Looks like fun, doesn't it?<br /> Well, rocking and rolling on full auto is a lot of fun.<br /> "we felt the women had been ignored"<br /> "I, I like the, the feeling of, of the machine gun in my hands"<br /> (Aaahhh.)<br /> "you know, I, I<br /> like the, the feeling of, of the machine gun in my<br /> Hands"<br /> "you know, I, I like the, the feeling of, of the machine gun in my<br /> Hands"<br /> (Aaahhh)<br /> "You know, I, I like the, the feeling of, of the machine gun in my<br /> Hands"<br /> "the feeling of, of the machine gun i<br /> N my hands" (here we go, 30<br /> Rounds"<br /> "the women had been ignored"<br /> "I like the, the feeling of, of the machine gun in my hands"<br /> (Aaahhh)<br /> "got to be an addiction!"<br /> "you know, I, I like the, the feeling of, of the machine gun in my<br /> Hands ... got to be an addiction with me!" (Aaahhhh... nothin' like it!)<br /> Hey, beautiful, beautiful! Last one got 'em!<br /> "30 rounds in one and a half seconds! Real firepower....."<br /> "we felt the women had been ignored ... they'd been kept ignorant<br /> And, uh, afraid of firearms, when they're no more difficult to operate than<br /> A household appliance"<br /> Hi! I'm Candy Jo, and I'm shooting the Ingram M-10, or the Mac-10!<br /> GUNS.<br /> This gun is one of the most well-known machine guns in the world,<br /> (GUNS.) not only because it has been featured in numerous Hollywood movies,<br /> (GUNS.) but also because it has derived underworld popularity. (GUNS.)<br /> The Mac-10 is the weapon of choice because of it's concealability. (GUNS.)<br /> With this gun, even I could stop most of the bad guys out there.<br /> GUNS.<br /> As you <br /> Can see, this gun is really fast! (GUNS.) It fires a 9<br /> Millimeter round at a rate of 1200 rounds per minute! (GUNS.) That's, like,<br /> 20 shots per second! (GUNS.)<br /> Not only that, it weighs just six and a quarter pounds, and it's<br /> Only ten and a half inches long. (GUNS.)<br /> Hello, my name is Julie, and this is the M-16. (GUNS.)<br /> I'm shooting the MPK submachine gun. It's made in Germany, (GUNS.)<br /> The MP stands for Machine Pistol. (THIS is a real gun.) This gun fires a 9<br /> Millimeter cartridge at a rate of 550 rounds per minute. (GUNS.) That's<br /> Close to 10 rounds per second!<br /> ("they're no more difficult to operate than<br /> A household appliance")<br /> What surprises me is how easy this gun is to handle. (GUNS.) I<br /> Guess that's what makes it so much fun! (GUNS.)<br /> The barrel on th<br /> E MPK is six inches long, and I'm shooting it with<br /> A 30-round magazine. (GUNS.) It weighs just six and a half pounds, (GUNS.)<br /> And has a clever folding wire stock. (GUNS.) Those Germans really know how<br /> To make a machine gun! (GUNS.)<br /> Now THIS is a real gun.<br /> Not one of those wimpy submachine guns.<br /> I mean, I've never fired a gun before in my life! (GUNS.) But let<br /> Me tell you, once I got that machine gun in my hands, there was no stopping<br /> Me! (GUNS.) It's a blast! I love it! (What a blast!)<br /> It's a blast!<br /> It'<br /> S a blast!<br /> It's a blast!<br /> ("Whew, THAT was a blast...")<br /> "Well, we started out telling a little history, y'know, with a<br /> Little music like 'Annie get Your Gun' and a pioneer-dressed woman... and<br /> The story line developing through the, um, the dance hall girl who had<br /> To... protect herself in various ways... all of these having various<br /> Concealed firearms... then into the contemporary business woman in a<br /> Business suit... uh, the recreational woman... a police officer... (we know<br /> Criminals will always get guns) the, uh, security guard... and finishing<br /> ("That's enough overdramatics. Give me that gun before someone gets hurt.<br /> Stand by...")<br /> With, uh, the beach woman clad in a bikini."<br /> ("Stand by...")<br /> "Okay, alright, stop right there.<br /> ("Stand by...")<br /> Where do you <br /> Conceal the gun in a bikini?"<br /> ("Stand by...")<br /> But what do you expect? This is my first time ever firin' a gun,<br /> (Yeah!) much less a machine gun! (Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!) (GUNS. GUNS.)<br /> Hi there! My name is Lisa, and this is the H & K G-3. (This is<br /> Fun!) The G-3 fires a 716 round at 550 rounds per minute. (GUNS.) This gun<br /> Really packs a punch! Wow! (Lot of kick to that, I'll tell ya)<br /> "As demonstrated in the fashion show, even when the firearm was,<br /> Uh... exhibited, about 90% of the people never even saw it, or where it<br /> Was. They just saw it appear."<br /> "Now where else did you find places to conceal deadly weapons?"<br /> ("Oh, there's Conrad General over there, let's say hello to Conrad General,<br /> Hello, Conrad General!")<br /> "Firearms."<br /> "Okay..."<br /> "There are lots of deadl<br /> Y weapons; we're only dealing with<br /> Firearms."<br /> "Okay."<br /> "We're taking this from a defensive posture. (You go on about<br /> Your business, you see?) Uh, ankle holsters, there were garter belt<br /> Holsters, uh, midriff holsters, which are not unlike a tank top, and a<br /> Holster sewn into that, it fits, uh, underneath the breast area..."<br /> Hello, I'm Tish. I'm shooting the Thompson submachine gun (GUNS.)<br /> Hi, how are ya? I'm Denise, from San Diego, California, and I'm<br /> Gonna show you how to shoot the AK-47 automatic rifle, (GUNS.) the standard<br /> Issue to the Soviet Bloc Army, I might add! (It's a BIG gun!)<br /> This gun weighs nine pounds, seven ounces, and fires 600 rounds per<br /> Minute. (GUNS.)<br /> The fifty round drum is a lot of fun, because you can just shoot,<br /> And just keep on shooting! (GUNS. GUNS. GUNS. GUNS.)<br /> (Whew! Blew the other window out!)<br /> "..have the shoulder holster, then the standard hip holster, and<br /> Uh, waistband holsters..."<br /> "The horizontal shoulder holster was the perfect accessory for the<br /> Businesswoman of the 80's."<br /> (Yeah!)<br /> "There ya go."<br /> "What about ball gowns?"<br /> (Yeah!)<br /> My name is Adrian. How are you doing today? (GUNS.)<br /> I'm shooting the world-famous Uzi submachine gun. (GUNS.)<br /> I can just imagine stopping a group of terrorists in their tracks with this<br /> Magnificent weapon. (GUNS.)<br /> The Uzi is a bit heavy at seven and a half pounds, (GUNS. GUNS.)<br /> But.. that gives it some heft and something to hang on to! (GUNS. GUNS.)<br /> There's something about having a gun in your hands, and being able to<br /> Control it, (GUNS.) I don't know what it is, but all the girls talked about<br /> It...<br /> (Anytime YOU want to go shooting, just give me a call)<br /> "What's next?"<br /> I really don't know anything about guns, but when the producer said<br /> I was going to be shooting the Uzi, I immediately recognized it as the gun<br /> The Presidential Secret Service men carry under their coats!<br /> "What's next? Do the firearms themselves come in, uh, fashion<br /> Colors?"<br /> "Well, believe it or not..."<br /> *bang* *bang* *bang*<br /> Hello, am I on?<br /> (oh, no)<br /> We're here at the Tra<br /> Demark, the motorcade is coming by here, (oh,<br /> No) just heard a call on the radio for all units along Industrial (oh, no)<br /> To pick up the motorcade, something has happened here... (she calls) we<br /> Understand there has been a shooting...<br /> Oh, no she calls<br /> Oh, <br /> No she calls<br /> Oh, no she calls<br /> Oh, no<br /> (it appears as though something has happened) oh, no...<br /> The motorcade sped on.<br /> The motorcade sped on.<br /> It appears as though something has happened in the motorcade<br /> Route...<br /> Something, I repeat, has happened in the <br /> Motorcade route.<br /> (she calls, oh, no)<br /> The Presidential car coming up now... (the motorcade sped on)<br /> I see Mrs. Kennedy's pink suit... (she calls, oh, no)<br /> There's a Secret Service man (the motorcade sped on)<br /> Checking over the top of the car (she calls, <br /> Oh, no)<br /> We can't see who has been hit (the motorcade sped on)<br /> If anybody's been hit (she calls, oh, no)<br /> Something is wrong here (no, no, no .....)<br /> Something is wrong here, something is terribly wrong (RUN, BOY!!!)<br /> Something is wrong here, something is<br /> terribly wrong (RUN, BOY!!!)<br /> Something is wrong here, something is terribly wrong (RUN, BOY!!!)<br /> Something is terribly wrong<br /> Stand by...<br /> Something is terribly wrong<br /> (RUUUUNNN!!!!) Just a moment,<br /> Please<br /> Something has happened in the motorcade route, st<br /> And by, please.<br /> "There's the prisoner... you have anything to say in your defense?"<br /> *bang*<br /> "There is a shot... (RUN!!!) Oswald has been shot!"<br /> (RUN, BOY!!!)<br /> "Oswald has been shot!"<br /> (RUN, BOY!!! RUN...)<br /> "A shot rang out as he was led.... into his car<br /> ..."<br /> (RUUUUUNNNNNN, BOOOOOOYYYY!!!!!!)<br /> "There's a mass confusion there... swirling, and... fighting..."<br /> GUNS.<br /> "As he was being brought out, now he's being... led back into<br /> His... turned to the ground... the police have the entire area blocked<br /> Off... (RUUUUNNN, BOOOOOYYYY!!!) everybody stay back... he is... being<br /> Hustled in... to me, he appears dead, there's a gunshot wound in his lower<br /> Abdomen."<br /> *bang*<br /> "Senator Kennedy has been... Senator Kennedy has been shot... is<br /> That possible? Is that possible?<br /> He has fired a shot... he still has the gun, the gun is pointed at<br /> Me at this moment.... I hope they can get the gun out of his hand... be<br /> Very careful... get the gun, get the gun... (RUUUUNNNN, BOOOOYYYY!!!) stay<br /> Away from the gun...<br /> His hand is frozen.<br /> .. get a hold of his thumb, break it if you have<br /> To, get his thumb... That's it, Rafer, get it! (Get the gun!) Get the gun,<br /> Rafer! (Get the gun!) Hold him, hold him! (Get the gun!) Hold him!"<br /> Get the gun!<br /> "I hope they can get the gun out of his hand..."
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