Michael Ball

Michael Ball - Away (Me Quitte Pas) lyrics

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(Jacques Brel)

If you go away on this summer day

Then you might as well take this sun away

All the birds that flew in a summer sky

When our love was new

And our hearts were high

When the day was young

And the night was long

And the moon stood still

For the nightbird song

If you go away

If you go away

If you go away

But if you stay

I'll make you a day

Like no day has been or will be again

We'll sail on the sun

We'll ride on the rain

We'll talk to the trees

And worship the wind

And if you go, I'll understand

Leave just enough love

To fill up my hands

If you go away

If you go away

If you go away

Il faut oublier

Tout peut s'oublier

Qui s'enfuit déjà

Oublier le temps

Des malentendus

Et le temps perdu

A savoir comment

Oublier ces heures

Qui tuaient parfois

A coups de pourquoi

Le coeur du bonheur

Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas

Moi je t'offrirai

Des perles de pluie

Venues de pays

Où il ne pleut pas

Je creuserai la terre

Jusqu'après ma mort

Pour couvrir ton corps

D'or et de lumière

Je ferai un domaine

Où l'amour sera roi

Où tu seras reine

Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas


"We have to forget -- everything can be forgotten; We have to forget the time, time that flies by, when we did not understand each other; We have to forget those hours which "why"s kill the heart of happiness. Do not leave me...

I will offer you pearls of rain coming from a place where it does not rain. I will dig the earth after I died to have your body covered with gold and light. I will make a country where love will be king, and where you will be queen. Do not leave me..."

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