Mert Bilman - Huzzam lyrics
rate me<TURKISH>
Görmek istermisin ? bütün bu olanlar&#305;
Sevmek istermisin ? unutup olanlar&#305;
Gözlerimde ya&#351;la,ba&#351;la bu hayat bamba&#351;ka
Senden gittin benden diye küstüm art&#305;k a&#351;ka
Bu denli hayat koydu yolda zordu umut yoktu
Kalbim art&#305;k yetmez oldu hani yan&#305;mdayd&#305;n yok oldun
Özenle bezenle bakt&#305;&#287;&#305;m çiçeklerimde soldu
Hayret etmedimde hiç ben &#351;imdi gözlerin mi doldu ?
AY dedik,hayattan bir pay dedim
Görmek istemezki bu can gülüm a&#287;lar elbet
Ho&#351;çakal be sevgilim bugünüm dünüm de&#287;il
Anlamazs&#305;n belki yazd&#305;klar&#305;m sana basit gelir
Anlatamam belki o kadar istesemde seni
Kald&#305;ramaz belki gücüm yetmez be can&#305;m benim
&#304;çimde bir ürperti rüyamdaki perim sensin
&#304;stesemde derim bo&#351;ver onu s&#305;radaki gelsin
Ay Ay,Ay batt&#305; art&#305;k
Ay Ay,Ve ben tükendim art&#305;k
Karal&#305;k hayat&#305;m&#305;n en derininde hüzzam
A&#351;k yönünde esen de; ald&#305; kalbimi rüzgar
Seven miyim yoksa siktir edip giden miyim ?
Ne vermiyim senin için be gelsen ke&#351;ke benim için
Delirmi&#351;im,olmaz böyle çok kez içip
Ne biçim bi durum kad&#305;n bitiyorum içiniçin
Yoksun be hayat&#305;mda mutlumusun hayat&#305;nda ?
Güzel &#351;eyler çok gördük &#351;imdi kald&#305; hat&#305;rada
Yolum çok uzun sen yoksun art&#305;k anla
Ve i&#351;te bitti bak kald&#305; a&#351;k masallarda
Plantonik olmu&#351;um ben,hay&#305;rd&#305;r ? ne var be !
Halimi görseler delirmi&#351; derlerdi heralde
Delirdim,evet fark etmez hiç bi&#351;ey
Yan&#305;mda de&#287;ilsin ki böylede bitmicek
Hayalin yan&#305;mda benim her dakika hat&#305;rlar&#305;m
Geleni çok sevsen bile gidende hat&#305;rlan&#305;r
Masamda resmin var bak&#305;p bak&#305;p a&#287;lar&#305;m
Sende hala mutlusun ya can&#305;m bu kalbe ta&#351; ba&#287;lar&#305;m
Ay Ay,Ay batt&#305; art&#305;k
Ay Ay,Ve ben tükendim art&#305;k
Karal&#305;k hayat&#305;m&#305;n en derininde hüzzam
A&#351;k yönünde esen de; ald&#305; kalbimi rüzgar
Would you like to see? all this happened
Would you like to love? ones forget
Age in my eyes, this life is completely different start
I no longer love me, you're gone I left all
There was no hope that life is so hard to put this on the road
My heart was no longer enough, do not you know You've been there for me
Carefully look at bezenle faded flowers
I have no eyes now filled with amazement etmedimde?
AY said, I said, a share of life
Certainly would not want to see this life rose networks
Not to be Goodbye my darling I'm today for yesterday
Maybe you simply do not understand is Your Text
Maybe he wanted to tell you too
I can not afford to be probably can not afford my dear
Dream of a chill in me that you're Perim
I want him to forget about the harvest come next
Moon Moon, the Moon is now sunk
Moon Moon, and I'm exhausted now
Hüzzam the deep blackness of my life
Blowing in the direction of Love, took the wind my heart
Seven Can Can to whether or fuck?
What I wish I could come along for me to be for you vermiyeyim
Delirmi&#351;im, do not drink so much time
What kind of woman got to be bi state içiniçin
Deprived of his life to be happy in my life?
The good things we have seen a lot of memories left now
I'm way too long now understand that you're gone
And look over here were tales of love
Plantonik have caught me, is no? What's to be!
Halimi called sees mad telling
Crazy, yes, it does not matter nothing at all
It is thus not by my side bitmicek
I remember every minute of my dream with me
Even gone so watching you remembered everything
Looked back at my desk I have a look at the picture and cry
You're happy or still dear to the heart of stone that binds
Moon Moon, the Moon is now sunk
Moon Moon, and I'm exhausted now
Hüzzam the deep blackness of my life
Blowing in the direction of Love, took the wind my heart<br />
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Thanks to maryyfox78