Media Blitz

Media Blitz - I Don't Believe lyrics

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I refuse to accept that we're born inept

And part of some larger scheme

Every woman and man, part of a plan

For all of eternity

It just doesn't make sense to me

So no, I don't believe

In my eyes it's all a guise

Made to control and deceive

We're just piles of blood and bile

That crawled out of the sea

Don't think I haven't had my doubts

I've looked within to try to figure it out

Follow my heart with help from my head

Nothing to fear, only dying to dread

Fear the wrath of a holy ghost? I'll take the risk

I lack the faith, you lack the evidence

Structured and confined by a man-made design

You're a slave to your own mind, dumb deaf and blind </div>

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