Media Blitz

Media Blitz - Drown Me lyrics

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It seems like life is just passing me by

I'm looking forward, but falling behind

I'm trying my best just to get ahead

But, I'm doomed to tread water until I'm dead

Just another day of keeping up with the pace

But, It still seems like I'm losing the race

I'm doing the best with what I have

But the weight on my shoulders is pushing me down

I'm stuck on repeat with no end in sight

I'm trudging on, but losing the fight

I can't let life keep pulling me down

With no grip on the surface I can only drown

I can't seem to stay afloat

I open my mouth to breathe and water fills my throat

My limbs go limp, I'm losing control

The weight of the world is crushing my soul

Heavy fucking soul </div>

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