rate meYou all about to witness
this verbal manslughter,
cos when a start to rocckin
it's more shocking than droping
your boom box in bathwater,
So step of this stage before a relese
this caged rage,
if your ryhming career was a book
this would be your last page,
if this was a movie just assumin,
you'd be the extra and ad be Paul Numin,
Look at ya fumin sick to your stomach
wishing a wrote yer line u no al beat u every time
when it comes down to it, your just a little maggot
with no metamorphisis,
your lyrics come from story books and mines come from thesauras's, A rhyme so fast you thought you saw this, but you bliked twice ad became the fourth member of the blined mice. When a go ma flow is like a river,
a bring growen men to there knee's make them shake and quiver. your ryhms are weaker than alcholics liver <br />
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Thanks to mc hu ze