The time between two MrSuicideSheep promoted songs is like holding your breath under water. You can't breathe, you can't sit still, you barely release one breath of air like song, and another one comes to sweep you away. Your heart wants to hold on to the latter, part of you's interested if the new one will become your favorite. Then you ask yourself, how shallow am I?! Thought that one was my favorite, now I'm so easily renouncing it's patronage over my heart? Yes, you are! That's how these songs work, that's how MrSuicideSheep works. I'm talking about a youtube channel, if you didn't already know, that streams awesome indie, psychedelic songs, or whatnot.
Of course he only promotes singers that are doing all the work. Of course he promotes songs that are already there, in the spider cobb we call Internet. But he does an awesome job picking them out. He's acting like a narrator for us, letting us see only the best in the novel. Cutting our way through the tundra.
The artist he's chose to promote this time is Maya Payne, and it wasn't out of the blue that I settled on the under water analogy in the first few lines. She uses the submersion as a general layout of what life is like nowadays. The cover art with the submerging girl puts another thousand words in the mouth of the artist. For that we might have to thank MrSuicideSheep again. Go ahead and tune in to the song!
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